Will using VSCodium instead of VSCode give me any large advantages?
I used to use Atom as my primary code editor, and it was really easy to disable telemetry in it (just two clicks). Now that Atom is no longer supported, I decided on using VSCode or VSCodium. However, I don't really know which one to choose.
How much privacy am I losing? I also use Pycharm for Python most of the time, so I am wondering which would be the less privacy invasive one.
I also heard that VSCode still sends telemetry, is that true (in the sense that it is sending more than a "no telemetry" flag)?
Also, is it possible to make vscode.dev run without telemetry?
Will VSCodium support C++ and CMake with compilation, or will I need to use VSCode for that?
(I know there is a "Code - OSS", but I just need to know about VSCode and VSCodium)
Not much to gain except more privacy and fully open source. A downside is there are less extensions available since it gets extensions from Open VSX Registry. Also there are extensions out there that are not good for privacy.
You can use the official extension repo with vscodium. You just have to edit the editors file accordingly. I dont have the link right now, but it should be easy to find.
Yup, Pulsar feels exactly like Atom, which I've enjoyed for years. Portable mode still works, bonus. My main complaint is the massive file size of install (over 1GB, no lighter option), which seems excessive and unnecessary for my use.
Well, the scale of advantage depends on how much do you value your privacy :)
In other aspects VSCodium and VSCode are pretty much the same (except a couple of niche features). And neither of them is an IDE (not to be confused with M$ Visual Studio, which is a paid IDE with all compilers, debuggers etc. included).
But you can alter both of them to the state of IDE using plugins. VSCodium might require a small extra step that is enabling VSCode Plugin Marketplace, if you need some proprietary extensions, that's all.
For people unfamiliar with the vim ecosystem (I assume that's at least part of the down votes), it's actually much closer than you'd expect. If you're only familiar with vi/vim, nvim customizations are essentially on feature parity with vscode, with the added benefit of the vim-first bindings.
What you have to do is install a customized neovim environment. Lunarvim, astrovim, nvchad, etc. Most of them have single line installation options for Linux, and then it comes with a bunch of plugins that will pretty much match whatever you'd find with vscode extensions.