[Video] Traffic Will Never Be Fixed Here
[Video] Traffic Will Never Be Fixed Here
[Video] Traffic Will Never Be Fixed Here
First, fuck cars.
Second, why wouldn’t a traffic circle about the same size work? I’ve seen massive ones overseas that do a damn good job at moderating traffic for heavy flow intersections like this one.
Third, I only watched about a minute in to the video, so maybe he says something about circles later.
He talks about the intersection a lot, but the main problem with this intersection has nothing to do with the intersection itself. It's the surrounding area that backs up into and causes it to fail.
No chance it would be chaos. Too many lanes to change.
Even if you did something like that you would have traffic going straight through the roundabout on the main street and traffic going around for everything else.
But with that many lanes it wouldn't be designed like that I dont think. Would be branched off before it.
You could have 50000000000000 lanes and it would make zero difference because at the end of the people all still want one exit to one section of town that backs up the whole thing
As an European I've never seen a diverging diamond (though I've been in the US a few times) and boy they look scary to drive across. I know you just have to drive straight, but that criss-cross interchange looks scary.
Also: how big is that parking lot? It reminds me of those Simpson's gags were the family have to park so far away they can't even see the location they came to visit.
We got our first one here a little while ago and personally, while they might look terrifying, it's actually the smoothest experience I have ever had with an interchange
That being said, they are hell for pedestrians