A heartbreaking post made by a true war victim was the first post here until it was deleted because ...well, because of his dire situation. See, he let his heart speak too much and this ... against a repugnant troll.
He then said : "Please forgive my speech..." yet he was banned for a month from WorldNews.
Moderation work is certainly challenging and yet .. i would have hoped for a little more compassion for his situation, yes.
Thank you for your concern.
Un post déchirant fait par une vraie victime de guerre fut ici en tête jusqu'à ce qu'il soit supprimé parce que... eh bien parce que son auteur est en situation désastreuse. Voyez, il a trop laissé parler son cœur, et ce contre un troll répugnant.
Puis il a dit : « S'il vous plaît, pardonnez mon discours... » et a été interdit pendant un mois de WorldNews.
Le travail de modération est certainement un défi et pourtant ... J'aurais espéré un peu plus de compassion, oui.
Ah yeah death threats are okay... did you actually verify their "true war victim" status or are you wanting to earn good boy internet points? Because Ukraine certainly does have a lot of "free" internet to voice out their "dire situation".