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What difficult games/game challenges did you give up on?

Be it a game that's difficult in its entirety, or a particular challenge in a game that you just couldn't complete.

For me, there are three that come to mind:

  • Super Hostile: Waking Up (Minecraft Custom Map, Hard difficulty). That damn water section...
  • Terraria Zenith Mode. Coming from someone to whom Master Mode is fairly easy, this was rough.
  • Calamity Death Mode (Terraria). I beat DoG (this was back when a headshot was an automatic death), but I just could not click with the Yharim fight. I also think burnout was at play here because that was a LONG playthrough.
  • Jedi Fallen Order. I've tried a couple times because I really WANT to like the game. But I just can't stand the fucking souls style of everything comes back when you save. And the boss fights are just too punishing (for me). It's so frustrating to get stuck on a boss or lost in a zone and come to the realization that I WAS having fun and then the game got in the way of that.

    Elden Ring. I had a lot of fun with the game restarting and playing through the first zone on like 6 different characters to try different styles and see what I like. But at some point in the second zone I realized I was just stressed out all the time. It wasn't fun, it was stressful. I can appreciate the game and I don't regret spending the money on it, but I realized it just wasn't for me.

    I think I'm done with souls games. They're just not for me. I really wanted to play Jedi Survivor but I suspect the new cool stuff will just make me more frustrated with the souls aspects, Oh well.

  • I couldn't get past the second area(I think?)of Cuphead, there was a dragon boss that was just a wall for me.

    • That boss was indeed tough but also one of my favorites from that game. I even have a shirt of it (that is suffering from some wear and tear at this point). I probably spent several hours each trying to beat both that dragon and the game's robot boss as well.

    • It's a really hard game but I have to say learning to speedrun it was super fulfilling. Time consuming though haha

  • Dark Soul serie. After dying for the nth time i gave up. I don't have enough time to red again and again the same path.

    Getting over it, well it do save your progression, especially your mistake.

    Subnautica and amesia. I fear void place and it's too scary.

  • I play most games on hard difficulty. But i gave up finish Nier Replicant on hard, not because i got stuck, but the hp of the monster was way to high to have fun.

  • The farewell Chapter in Celeste. I really don't know how to do that room with the three dash activated blocks surrounded by spikes.

    • It's funny I know exactly the room you're talking about lol

      I managed to do farewell in 29:30, flying through the chapter is so liberating after being stuck in every room

  • @MangoKangaroo

    Crypt of the Necrodancer

    The characters are difficulty levels, some with additional rules.

    It's a rythm rpg, lore character #1 can miss beats, collect stuff, etc.

    Lore character #3 can't miss a beat or miss and can't upgrade health, so you always die in one hit.

    When I beat the 4 chapters with that character I was done :D

  • 2 very recent ones on PS5

    • God of War Ragnarok: I did the story and as much f the side missions and challenges as possible. But there are a few Berserker Graves, and the final Valkyrie Gna that no matter how many times I tried it would just get absurd. I almost threw my controller through my TV a few times when trying to roll-dodge to the side for an attack after they've already jumped at you and, i shit you not, they change direction in mid-air.
    • Spider-Man: I did 100% the main game, all the side-quests and collectibles just not all the skills. Did all but the last DLC, but finally ragequit when trying to do the base tokens. Interior with tight corners. and you have to take out a dozen enemies including the whip-enemies attacking you from all directions...while rockets are being fired at you in the middle of 5 enemies.
    • Oh yeah, I hated the God of War reboot. It was so cool for like 15 minutes. Then I got to the actual combat and I couldn't stand it. It was nothing like the original, it was hard AF, it used button combinations I've never seen before (I think it's based on Souls games?), etc. It was so disappointing.

      • I don’t mind Souls games, but I kind of hate how so many games lately (especially sequels) have been trying to low-key fit the genre when nobody asked them to. God of War, Darksiders 3…

  • I tried replaying the Kingdom Hearts games leading up to playing KH3. Got all the way to the final boss sequence in KH1, but I just couldn’t get past the second phase, and I didn’t have any good saves for going back and leveling up. Gave up. Already beat it as a kid when it first came out. No need to kill myself in my late-30s for it.

  • I'm about to just toss Remnant 2 out. I thought maybe it would be better than the first one, but it's even more bullshit. Like, it's a shooter and the first boss hurts you while you look at it. The intended method to defeat it feels way more like cheesing an exploit. I've gotten through the first quest in the Labyrinth and I'm hating the bosses even more than the first game with how just annoyingly unfair they are if you're not playing with a group. They're simply not fun.

    Returnal is very similar in gameplay, and is even a roguelike with super brutal gameplay; even that game isn't as frustrating as Remnant 2. The bosses are hard, but not unfairly so.