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Weekend Free Talk Thread

Sorry folks, missed posting on Friday.

So here's our Off-topic thread again. Share what you'd like to talk about - whether it is:

  • music
  • books
  • movies
  • current projects you're working on
  • stuff that's happening in your life

Have fun and have a great weekend!

  • We've had a little bit of snow here. The first day it snowed a few inches, so I went out with the snowblower and cleared the driveway. The snowblower wasn't rigged properly on the front of the lawn tractor, and the driveway has a hill. As I crested the hill, the snowblower didn't go low enough to stay on the driveway, so a small layer stayed.

    Over the next couple of days everything turned to ice. We had another couple of inches yesterday, and we've been teaming up with our neighbors (with whom we share the driveway) to spread sand so our cars can get out.

    This is our 3rd winter in this house, and the 1st two winters were easier. It snowed more the first year, but the snowblower was rigged properly. Last year I only had to snowblow once.

    Hopefully the top of the driveway melts at some point. I spent some time getting the snowblower back how it should be, but at this point we need a fresh start for all the ice up there.

    Lucky for me, I really enjoy driving the snowblower around. I feel like a little kid when I get to do it. It's certainly a pain if you wake up and have to go to work and are surprised by the need for 30 minutes of snow removal before you can leave, but I've been home sick for this wave of snow so it hasn't been a problem.
