I got sick of all of the super heroes movies and shows. But Jessica Jones is actually good. I would recommend it. More of a detective show mixed with some superhero elements.
Hi, it's me. Guy who's super anal retentive about his finances. While you're glaring at me for holding up the line, I'm just passing that shade on to the cashier whom I have now asked twice for a receipt and is looking at me like I just asked for their first born child. I'm not leaving without one. Sorry about the wait.
I've been a cashier... Just give him a minute, each interaction and calculation is simple on its own but he's been doing it all day. It's harder than it looks!
Oh sure, I could move backwards into their crotch, forward into the path of someone's cart as they're leaving, right into the barrier, or left over the pinpad into the cashier's lap.
Maybe you don’t want the banking corporations to know you purchased lube & a ham sandwich. Inb4 some goober says tap-to-pay with Google or Apple, which now lets the banking corporations & big tech know your purchase history too.