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New rule on hostility toward anarchism

As a result of this community's existence on a site that is often hostile to its ideas, we'll be implementing a new rule:

4. This is not the place to debate the merits of anarchism itself. While discussion is encouraged, getting in your "epic dunks on the anarkiddies" is not. As a result of the instance's poor moderation policies and hostility toward anarchists by default, lemmygrad users are encouraged not to post here, though not explicitly disallowed if they aren't just looking to start a fight.

  • yo, fuck that shit.

    banning should only be done for straight up trolling and/or spam. If you cant take an argument then what's the point of having discussion at all?

    how long until I make a point that you disagree with and consider it a "dunk" on you?

    • Yeah totally you're right, spaces should never be able to define a range in which discussion occurs and we should just all bend over to whoever wants to pop in and derail. Great suggestion.

      • did i say bend over? use your words (and votes), not your modpower. this is one of the things that turned /r/anarchism to shit and you are perpetuating the same backwards discussion rules.

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