It looks like someone crossbred a VW Bus with a panda bear then startled it.
104ReplyIt's pretty disgusting that here in 2024 they would still use outdated and inappropriate terms like horsepower and foot-pounds.
70Replynot a single gay or young person on whatever team decided the name lmao
or maybe there were some, giggling in the background
52ReplyIt's called an XBus now. Yes it's not better.
But this is actually a pretty cool ev, the bed is swappable.
46Replyi don't know what bussy means and at this point I'm to afraid to ask.
41Reply20 Hit points for a car isn't much if we're going by traditional RPG metrics, but I suppose I'm not sure what the creators were using as a template when they made it.
36ReplySo how many people fit inside your ebussy?
36ReplyJust 20 HP? I need something that is able to survive while I'm farming. At least give us 40 HP.
36Reply 19ReplyIt's X-bus nor ebusses
I found it's a nice concept, manually remplaçable battery, modulable, light and long autonomy
18ReplyI hate EV torque ratings. They're not even remotely comparable to ICE vehicles.
The power ratings for the eBussy don't adhere to SAE-J2908, btw.
Please at least use SAE-J2908.
18ReplyEither it’s max defensive and evasion, or it’s the glassiest glasscannon since power-trick Shuckle.
15ReplyFinally, I can have a bussy.
13ReplyMe and the boys entering the eBussy:
11ReplyYeah, fuck those imperial units.
Lb-Ft, pfff ...
11ReplyI see someone was down bad for hatune miku
10ReplyEbussy sounds like a dating or porn service for femboys
9ReplyGrab 'em by the...
8Reply... I want one so badly now
8ReplyIch liebe die e-Busse
7ReplyI don't understand the joke... send help.
6ReplyIn russian it sounds even more hilarious
5ReplyTorque is a stupid, meaningless figure in almost any situation, but particularly in a vehicle where there is a transmission involved.
4ReplyIt sounds cool