When you are a history geek and your players asked for new magical weapons
When you are a history geek and your players asked for new magical weapons

When you are a history geek and your players asked for new magical weapons
Yeah, there should be a "roll a 1 on a d20, fail your save, and you just die a horrible death 9 days later"
It's actually worse as-is. Everyone in range who fails that con check twice just dies ( 6 exhaustion == death)
And yet still less awful than a Deck of Many Things.
In my previous campaign, we had a segment with the deck of many things. My character drew the card that gave him 3 wishes. Next character drew a card and it was bad, so I wished he could have stopped that other character from drawing from the deck.
DM decides my character's wish puts him back at the beginning of the scene, so he gets to draw the card with 3 wishes again.
Spent the rest of the campaign very carefully choosing what to spend my 5 wishes on.
"Fiend pact warlock? No, you misheard- I took Pact of the Demon Core"
Now, THIS is homebrew i can get behind
I can get behind [a lead wall]
Wouldn't the damage start hours later?
I'm more concerned about the weilder
Play as Warforged, problem solved. Additionally, you will eventually start emitting radiant damage yourself, an added bonus!
The weilder is completely fucked. Probably the most fucked because they're literally carrying the damned thing on a chain.
Yeah, talk about cursed items
What is that in the pic?
Dam, that scary
Demon core on swingy stick
What makes it dangerous is the exhaustion also the 1D20 isnt its damage roll but its additional effect roll.
I got out-Berdly'd.
When your aligment is Posadist Neutral
When your character is a one-winged Pixy.