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[bug] Horizontal swipe for next post (experimental)

Feature: Horizontal swipe for next post (experimental)

Version: 1.0.171

Followup to my previous post.


The "swipe for next post" area has been extended to include the comments section. Thank you!

Bug 1:

The sort order when swiping through posts does not match the sort order set in the main scroll feed. I haven't been able to figure out what sort order is being used, but the second post is often the same no matter which post was initially selected from the main feed.

Bug 2:

The "swipe for previous" gesture doesn't go past whichever post was originally selected from the main scroll feed. My ideal Lemmy browsing experience is "sort by new", scroll to the oldest post I have not yet viewed, and "swipe for previous" until I'm caught up to the present. The current swipe functionality doesn't seem to support this.

Bug 3:

Swiping to a post sometimes results in errors such as "Couldn't load via local instance. Actions may be unavaila" and "Post 123456 from lemmy.instance failed to load". Strangely enough, these posts often load just fine when opened via the main scroll feed.

Feature request:

Followup to a previous feature request:

As I don’t use swiping gestures on comments, I would find it useful if the “swipe for next post” area were extended to include the comments section when comment swipe actions are disabled.

For posts with zero or few comments, I would find it useful if the swipe area also included the empty region with no comments :)

Thanks again, Kuro, for your continued development of this app!


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