Monero is already starting to bounce. But if you’re still licking your wounds, definitely check this out before you trade,
Someday, people will realize that they were born free.
Even though I'm NOT licking any wounds, the read was worth it for that quote alone. The day when my brothers and sisters around the world wake up to that truth can't come soon enough.
Useful currencies are supposed to devalue in time. Crypto not being inflationary stifles its calling and appeals to weirdos like you guys who are all in all just doing virtual collecting of beanie babies.
I don't think you know what features are needed for sound money. You might want to read about austrian economics to get a better understanding of this.
Austrian economists argue that a stable money supply promotes economic stability and allows for rational price signals. It proposes that for money to be stable it needs to be tied to one or more tangible commodities.
So all current crypto should be avoided according to Austrian economics. Which makes me wonder, as an Austrian Econ fan, why are you here?