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e/acc has solved the "is-ought" problem with thermodynamics!

https:// /BasedBeffJezos/status/1757229815537733880

Brain genius Beff Jezos manages to butcher both philosophy and physics at the same time!

  • For people who don't want to go to twitter, heres the thread:

    Doomers: "YoU cAnNoT dErIvE wHaT oUgHt fRoM iS" 😵‍💫

    Reality: you literally can derive what ought to be (what is probable) from the out-of-equilibrium thermodynamical equations, and it simply depends on the free energy dissipated by the trajectory of the system over time.

    While I am purposefully misconstruing the two definitions here, there is an argument to be made by this very principle that the post-selection effect on culture yields a convergence of the two

    How do you define what is "ought"? Based on a system of values. How do you determine your values? Based on cultural priors. How do those cultural priors get distilled from experience? Through a memetic adaptive process where there is a selective pressure on the space of cultures.

    Ultimately, the value systems that survive will be the ones that are aligned towards growth of its ideological hosts, i.e. according to memetic fitness.

    Memetic fitness is a byproduct of thermodynamic dissipative adaptation, similar to genetic evolution.

  • As a physicist with a background in nonequilibrium statistical mechanics before moving to quantum information theory, let me reassure you that I speak from training and decades of experience when I say, "No, you dork ass loser."

  • He solved the is-ought problem? How did he do that?

    what ought to be (what is probable)

    Hey guys I also solved the is-ought problem, first we start with is (what we should do)...

  • Too stupid to debunk without resorting to bullying.

  • This guy's idea of thermodynamics is basically... he thinks that speed running universal heat death is... the highest calling of life?

    Kinda the slowest and least exciting way to annihilate the universe, but it seems to exist mostly to justify irresponsible energy use.

  • While I am purposefully misconstruing the two definitions here, there is an argument to be made by this very principle that the post-selection effect on culture yields a convergence of the two

    What's cooler than doing a mid bit with awful delivery and immediately explaining it? Trying to spin it into a serious argument by vomiting nonsense jargon.

    I don't want to hear a word of complaint about obscurantist poststructuralists from this guy or anyone who likes him.

  • so if i'm reading this right, he's basically saying that bestest social values exist in societies that change least with time, or in other words he's saying that the only moral position is to be reactionary

    i don't know if it counts as mask off because mask wasn't ever really there

    • Being able to derive reaction as the One True Political Movement via immutable physical laws sounds like a wet dream for some people.

  • BJ: "I don't know what the is-ought problem is, or why anyone cares. I am clearly qualified to declare it solved. First, let me google what the definition of 'is' is, and also what 'ought' is. Then I'll use some science words to hot glue the two things together, and BAM! Solved. Another win for e/acc."

  • E/Acc where Might makes Right, is the not at all repulsive and most ontologically sound source for ethics! Not at all burting at the seems with perverted eugenics, it's not morally dubious if none of your enemies survive to criticise you!

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