It was a decent experience, but it had too many features to meet my taste. I like basic things. Their automatic timer detection supports a lot of formats, but it doesn't support something like "in 5 minutes," but it does support "in 5 hours/months/weeks.". Too bad, I frequently forget to do things throughout the day, so I have trained myself to set up quick-to-do tasks to remind myself a few minutes later. But doing it an hour later is asking for too much.
I actually use vikunja (used to be more often when i was in college tbh). It's a really handy todo app, i probably didn't use it to its full extent but it's awesome nevertheless!
It literally prompts you to install to your desktop, meaning it's had at least the minimum amount of effort spent to make a decent mobile experience. Did you try it?
I think it’s possible. Tinker with the features, do some mockups, explore everything, “this is a great app, now if I can just get everything rolled over to this..” and then you don’t because it takes a moment of effort and then you forget.
Happens to me all the time. You can think an app is great, but haven’t had a chance to fully use it. Like I’m a huge fan of ClickUp for keeping things on track, but I also have adhd which means I end up forgetting to use it. Great app, crappy brain.