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Please Help: I’m a mod/CC for a fairly active mag on Kbin. Right now, my threads aren’t appearing for many of our users.

Since Monday, I’ve had issues posting threads. I’ll get an error message saying:

We are working on resolving the issues

Over the next few days, there will be a change in server infrastructure. Temporary problems with the website's functionality may occur during this time.

...Despite the message, my threads will still post to the magazine--but few users can see them.

I’m sorry if this has been addressed before; I did a quick look at this mag and couldn’t find the exact issue I’m dealing with. I’m just wondering if this is normal ‘fediverse growing pains’ or something I need to fix on my end?

Thanks for any help. We have a massive event coming up in a week—probably going to drive a tonne of traffic to our magazine—and I’m really hoping we can find a fix before then.

EDIT: The specific magazine I'm referring to is this one:

  • It sounds like you might be having some overlapping issues. Since the "error on post" thing started happening, I've noticed that new posts won't show up in the default "hot" ordering. I assume that this is a sorting bug and they show up at the bottom of it. This was also happening when I first joined kbin, although the error page on post thing wasn't happening then.

    The workaround seems to be to go back to the magazine's main page after posting, and sort by "new". Your post should then show up at the top. Upvote your own post, and then when you go back to the default "hot" ordering it should show up at or near the top, as normal.

    Hopefully this fixes at least one of those issues. Good luck with everything.

  • For what it's worth your post has been federated to my lemmy instance

  • The error occurred again as I posted this. So there's a good chance many won't see this either :/

    • I'm seeing this and on kbin

      • Thanks. It's weird. I post discussion threads throughout the week (for pro wrestling shows) and all week I've had people bring it up. Even make other 'discussion threads' because they couldn't see mine.

  • Are they not appearing on other instances? In which case it may be this bug:

    If they aren't appearing for users on your instance that's probably a different problem entirely.

    Also if you're posting from and the magazine is hosted there, that isn't the same issue either (it's only if somebody from a different instance posts to a magazine where that bug occurs)

    • Going by who boosted and upvoted my threads, here’s what I’m seeing:

      Last night, our ‘Collision’ thread seemed only visible to people on Kbin…but not everyone. One of our other top CC’s couldn’t see the thread and they’re on, the same instance our mag and my account were created on. From what they’ve said, they’re struggling to see anything I create – that includes threads and comments. Here’s what they said about their own issues when they tried posting a thread:

      Ironically, I actually did get the error lol.

      Got the post all pre-typed out and such, titled, tags, etc. Hit post, error. Panicked, thought I lost it all, but didn't. Tried 4 times, same error every time, said fuck it and I'll give up. Then noticed 4 threads on my profile (I deleted the other 3 myself) and this thread still doesn't show up for me on the magazine. Tried to click your comments and can't even see em normally on the topic that does open, hell I'm responding to you via your profile page right now. (same with your post to kbinmeta just now, I see it, but i cant see the comments on it). First time it's happened to me during thread creation however (instead of the typical occurrence from when I block someone).

      On Friday night, our ‘Rampage’ thread was visible to people on other instances. The thread was boosted and upvoted by users on, feddit, kbin, and sh.itjustworks. But I don’t think that user–or some of our others–could see it either.

      Let me know if I can gather any more info for you. And thanks for the help. In cases like these, I really wish I was more tech savvy.

      EDIT: I created a new thread on m/SC about an hour ago. It has 7 upvotes yet not one from Kbin (excluding myself and GeekFTW, who found the thread via my profile). It seems like one thread I create will be viewable by people on Kbin, the next not so much. It doesn't make much sense to me.

      • (Still replying via stalking your profile lmao)

        Hey everyone, the other person Tellum is referring to here.

        I do not see said Rampage thread. For further info for yourself, the last thing I see posted on the mag under newest is my own thread (the thekla/bayne/shirakawa/may one). No activity appears after that.

      • One of our other top CC’s couldn’t see the thread and they’re on

        This could be this issue which I'm trying to gain visibility on. This thread, as well as some of the others you have posted in SC [1] [2] [3] [4], all do not show a domain. If what I've written in the issue is accurate, that means users with any domain blocked at all will not be able to see the posts or comments. Removing all blocked domains will fix it. Right now my findings are basically posts are somehow being made with no domain, and if a user blocks any domain at all, doesn't matter what it is, that will count as true and filter it out. LMK if this helps, trying to gather as much data as I can

    • Incidentally my comment probably won't be visible from instances other than mine and until somebody interacts with it (I'm not sure if this reply itself is sufficient, usually it needs somebody on to interact to make it visible elsewhere)

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