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10 Reasons To Stop Hating Star Trek: Discovery (No, they're not blind to criticism)

Edit: Sean Ferrick... if you see this just know that while I am a massive dick and a terrible person I will love you forever please marry me

  • My main issue with the show is Burnham, so I don't think there's anything they can do to fix it for me unless they kill her off and get a new lead. The show has been going long enough, I'd watch one last season, but I think they need to end it and focus on strange new worlds and more shows like that.

  • STD lost me early on, but I liked Stamets and Tilly, and Lorca was interesting. I wish they'd've introduced it as new IP rather than calling it a Trek show, but eh. Different strokes. I got my SNW and I'm happy.

    • It's DSC, not STD. Please stick to the naming structure of the shows over the years and either go with DSC (as shown in the show) or DIS. It makes absolutely no sense to call it STD.

  • Nice try, Star Trek Discovery producers. You got me to try season 1. Not fooling me again.

    If I wanted to watch Star Wars, then I would have watched that instead.

    • You got me to try season 1

      You probably watched Season 1 of TNG though which is just as bad and twice as long. It astounds me how many people are willing to cave after like 13 episodes and say "NAH. GIVING UP. NEVER AGAIN." but were willing to sit through stuff like Code of Honor with TNG in Season 1. I mean no Trek show before SNW ever had a solid first season. Most shows in general don't. Judging it based off of that is just silly.

  • ENT at least wanted to be a Star Trek show. Disco banked on the IP for nostalgia and then did nothing nostalgic with it.

    I'm fine with people liking Disco or whatever but it's like, the show only got good after they went a billion years into the future and were allowed to thrive in their own sandbox, rather than being tied down in the TOS era.

    I would have immediately enjoyed it more if they had made it a post-Nemesis starting point. It would have been more interesting to check in on the Terran Rebellion than it was to check in on the Empire. All that stuff was gross.

    Strange New Worlds takes all the new aesthetics established by Disco and actually applies a Star Trek formula to it, and I'm much happier with that show. It wants to be where it is, and it wants to be what it's doing. Intent and planning are everything with media. Disco lacked in both early on, but I'm glad it pivoted.

    • I'm amazed with how factually written this comment is when literally everything in it is based off of opinion and personal takes.

  • I get the criticism about production, plot, and dialogue decisions. I mean, I agree on quite a few of them. But a good chunk of the detractors are on the hate bandwagon because they just can't stand women/minorities getting representation, and those dumbfucks need to GTFO. It's Trek, for fuck's sake. Yeah, Discovery is different, but I still dig the show.

  • I just finished season 4 tonight. It's great. Not perfect, but no Trek ever was. It's also delightfully full of queer people!

    Can't wait for season 5!

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