Tetanus is an anaerobic bacteria which means exposure to air will kill it. If a cut is bleeding that means it's at least partially exposed and may prevent tetanus. The reason people tend to get tetanus infections from puncture wounds is because the wound heals up and seals out the air.
Also, letting a cut bleed for a bit is one way of flushing any foreign material from the wound, which can help. But you still need antibiotics and a bandage to reduce the risk of infection.
You try and try to educate people but… idk maybe they should be allowed to conduct experiments if they’re willing to sign off on no medical treatment. Seems like a fair challenge to those who know so much.
I can't be the only person not totally dissapointed at how meth lab medical this person's advice is, but like fucking sad because there are three other people who liked this meaning there are more decimal bound IQ meatbags who would take this as solid advice.
That person's grade of stupid is not a freak one off. There are others!
At some point you stop bleeding Doogie Howser. If you're lucky that'll be before you run out of blood, in which case, according to your theory of medicine, you'll be infected anyway.
If it's after you run out of blood, well, infection wasn't your main problem.