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Which bartender do you feel was better utilized in their show, Guinan or Quark?

I'll start.

For Guinan: I loved that her character was that classic trope of the "bartender / therapist" who was always around, but never got too involved in the main plot. She would give casual advice, but wasn't officially an "advisor", so it served the show well for the main characters to share what they were thinking.

For Quark: He was unquestionably the better developed character, with his own wants and desires that frequently intertwined with the main plot. He also served as a sort of foil to the values of the federation, which let the viewers see how greed was incompatible with the best interests of the people.

I love both. Which was your favorite? Which approach did you like better for the "bartender" character?

  • Yeah I mean it's gotta be Quark and it's not close. He also became the de-facto representative of life outside the Federation & Starfleet, which was one of the things DS9 really leaned in to.

  • Guinan was cool, but Quark was a main character in my eyes. And I think the Ferengi really came to life as a culture through the stories involving Quark. I don't feel I know much about Guinan's race, the El-Aurians, apart from a few fragmented factoids.

    • His stories really helped humanize (gotta be a better for for that) the Ferengi. Like, yes they were cartoonishly greedy little jerks, but they also have individuality within their culture.

      • @war @DatasCatSpot actually, what is the word for that? When a species treats a human as less than human (or vice versa)? I was saying the other day that in Chain of Command, the Cardassian captor “dehumanises” Picard, but that’s not right, is it? I mean, that’s what humans would call it, but what would be a cross-species term for it?

  • @DatasCatSpot
    Who was "better utilized" is a hard question in my view, but I think it's clear that Quark was a more fully developed character.

    Guinan appeared seldom but always gave insight to characters when they most needed it. She was enigmatic, and cool, but not very fleshed out.

    Quark was more realized as a character - more complex, more highs and lows, more emotions. I didn't like him much, but he was more "interesting" to watch.

    • You've hit on a good point there, Guinan always felt to me like a deus ex machina in the stories. It feels like when the writers don't know how to resolve something, they just have a character go to Guinan and resolve whatever it is they were struggling with.

      It also feels like they really didn't know what to do with the character. Whoopie's availability didn't help with that, since she had only a very limited shooting time. Sometimes they made it seem like Picard and her go way back, but then she didn't play any significant role as far as we know. And there were plenty of times where they would have been far apart for super long. They also want to make her an enigma, not really knowing her age or limits, with vague hints to her father and Q exclaiming she has powers. But nothing ever comes of this. And if Picard and her go way back, surely he would know about some of this stuff? But he never does it seems like.

      Her whole back story is full of holes and the character makes no sense. But that's common with Star Trek characters.

      It feels like throwaway lines that get tossed around to make the character feel more than it is, but it's completely hollow and ultimately comes to nothing.

      It's a shame, because I like the idea of Guinan, but story wise the character simply wasn't very good and not utilized very well.

  • I love the character of Quark, but let's be honest. Guinan is the better bartender, if you're just a regular Starfleet officer looking to down a pint of syntheholic ale.

    • Guinan is the better bartender, if you're just a regular Starfleet officer looking to down a pint of syntheholic ale.

      Nonsense, she also has green!

      Besides, I couldn't see Quark making a Tzartak aperitif.

    • Hmm, I think it depends on what you're looking for in a bartender. If you want someone chatty Quark would be the better choice.