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Aotearoa Daily Kōrero 25/3/2024

Welcome to today’s daily kōrero!

Anyone can make the thread, first in first served. If you are here on a day and there’s no daily thread, feel free to create it!

Anyway, it’s just a chance to talk about your day, what you have planned, what you have done, etc.

So, how’s it going?

  • So I'm still not feeling great, but getting a bit more energy now. Spent the weekend doing not much. Must have had whatever and had 🙁

    On the plus side, we are looking a lot healthier on the federation front with It seems we can't make much progress with weekday traffic but when the weekend comes there's a lot less content and so we can catch up some more. We are currently down to about 2 hours delay for content coming from to Here's a graph:

    graph of last two weeks showing to federation fell behind a lot in a hurry, peaking at about 1.2 days, then over the last 10 days or so has slowly made it's way back down, now at around 2.3 hours delay

    And here's one showing the number of "activities" (actions) behind we are:

    graph of last two weeks showing to federation activities fell behind a lot in a hurry, peaking at about 550k activities, then over the last 10 days or so has slowly made it's way back down, now at around 39k activities behind

    Sorry for having one graph weirdly thin and tall, they are on the same timeline, but they seem to display different. I didn't make the graphs, but they are publicly accessible here and here.

    • These are pretty neat graphs! Is it sourced from the Prometheus logs?

      Just updated to 0.19.3 but the DB migrations failed due to a permissions change I made a while back to my DB, so I had to spend a few hours in the SQL dungeons fixing things.

      • I didn't make the dashboards, but the data is available through an API call to each instance. I guess they have some polling set up and then feed it into the dashboard?

        I've been testing some stuff with pictrs, and have been updating pictrs from 0.4 to 0.5 in my non-prod instance. There's no progress meter and so far it has taken 2 days 😱.

        It's a lot less grunty than the production server but still seems excessive!

  • I had a great weekend on the water, myself and a small group camped at Mangaweka, and did a trip down the Rangitikei finishing at the campsite, then on Sunday we did the blue pools section of the Tongariro. A great weekend, no swims, and one successful unplanned roll.



  • Here's some pictures of my pet Leo!

    Leo at home

    picture of leopard slug

    Leo at feeding time

    Leo the leopard slug among broccoli stalks

    He's a big boy, pushing 3 inches long! He's been my pet every since earlier today when I found him in my worm farm.

  • I'm now on my seventh day of covid. I'm about 85% recovered but I except this exhaustion to linger for some time. I didn't realise how burnt out I was from work until I was forced to take this time off. So I decided to take advantage of this time off by giving myself more time off lol. A extra week of recovery and fun! I'm gonna catch up with some old friends, get a hair cut, do my studies, attend toastmasters and volunteer at the market at the end of the week.

    • Sounds great, it's best to really avoid pushing it when you're recovering. Have a fun week!

    • Oh man, an extra week off sounds great! Sorry to hear you've got COVID. Enjoy your time off!

  • SO MANY PEACHES. I'm going to run out of space in the freezer at this rate.

    • Nice! Peaches are one of my favourite stone fruit. Though that might not be the case if I had far too many!

  • Hiya! Beautiful weekend and now I'm listening to a morepork.

    Unfortunately I have something going on with my tooth, dentist tomorrow, not sure what is going to happen or how bad the impact will be on my system and how long recovery is. Hopefully see you all on the other side.

    • Good luck! Hopefully it won't be too bad 🙂

      • Thanks. Good news is they didn't do it yesterday! Bad news is it's somewhere in my future, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it (again).

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