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What are your favorite organizing/note taking/todo list apps that work for you?

  • It doesn't matter for me here, I'll stop using it soon as its no longer novel. I have used Obsidian, works well. Also just spreadsheets with checkboxes, that one is not mobile friendly though.

  • For todos, I'm currently trying out todoist. It's like Todo+date (can be repeated like every day/week etc)+priorities and a few tags and stuff. I can't say it works for me nor that it doesn't work, it's been a few weeks only, but a trick to somehow make it work (I mean like use the app to help you accomplish stuff and not delay it) is to write down everything: fold the laundry, wash the dishes... And then organize them when you feel like it, give them a date so that you do them when you need to. I look at the app every morning to know what I have to do, and just doing things to mark them as done feels good (tho I must admit that I let a few todos roll over multiple days because they are daunting tasks but at least I do them).

    For notes I have had Google note but it was hard to organize them and find your way through. Now I use obsidian at work (miss colors and tags but there is markdown and folders), and notion for personal stuff. Notion is great but my database is growing quickly and even if I love organizing it and could spend days just putting tags, folders, colors, arranging everything to be perfect, I feel a bit overwhelmed because, well, it's huge. I may need to make a central hub page with links to everything I use frequently?

  • Keeping it simple works for me, so I stick with Apple Reminders and leverage smart tags to keep everything organized and give me an “at a glance” view. I can open Reminders and see things categorized by:

    • level of effort
    • estimated time to complete
    • category (home, school, kids, etc)

    I’ve tried a lot of other tools in the past but too many options keeps me in a constant state of tweaking instead of getting things done. Plus I like being able to just say out loud what I need to add to my list and share it with my family without them having to get another app.

    Notes are a bit trickier for me. I still use OneNote for work (and hate it), but I use Apple Notes for home and Goodnotes for school. I’ll probably end up going Apple Notes for the same reasons as Reminders, but I’m still hesitant for some reason.

  • I use trello for todo lists. I use both cards and checklists in the cards

    I also use trello to remember recommendations by type (books, movies, shows, places to eat) and add notes to remember who recommended them

  • Unless you already use Emacs, I can't recommend spending lots of time to get into it. It's a very complex and powerful system built around a text editor.

    I use org-mode in Emacs when on a computer, paired with Orgzly on Android on my phone. Files are plain text, like Markdown. At its simplest, org-mode is nested headlines that you can easily move and rearrange.

    I believe Obsidian is similar:

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