Welcome to !fuckyouinparticular@lemmy.world pseudo-wiki
Welcome to !fuckyouinparticular@lemmy.world pseudo-wiki
Welcome to !fuckyouinparticular@lemmy.world's wiki.
fuckyouinparticular is a community for photos, GIFs and videos of people/things/places being singled out in a comical or natural way.
Our Rules
Below is an in depth explanation of our rules.
Rule 1
Don't be a dick.
Don't be unjustly unpleasant to people, it isn't necessary. Despite our name, we try to maintain a fun and generally welcoming attitude. Please help us to maintain that attitude.
Rule 2
Use the NSFW tag when necessary.
Content that could be considered graphic or disturbing should be marked as NSFW. Overly graphic/disturbing content may be removed.
Rule 3
No porn.
This community doesn't accept pornographic content. Repeat violators will be sanctioned with a permanent ban.
Rule 4
No reposting.
Reposts are frowned upon and may be removed. If you see a recent repost (within the last month or so), or a post from the top of all time, then please utilise the Report button so that the mods can check it out. Variations of the same post are still considered reposts and will be removed. Reposts from reddit are an exception to this rule.
Rule 5
Post relevant content.
Only post content that is relevant to this sub. Original content is welcome. Click here to learn more about what is relevant for this community.
Rule 6
Fake content is allowed.
Fake content is allowed on this subreddit. We recognise that fictional entertainment exists. The reasons we have this as a rule is because of people reporting posts as not relevant content due to them being staged.****