Does the crew ever truly know what to expect from Kirk?
Does the crew ever truly know what to expect from Kirk?

Does the crew ever truly know what to expect from Kirk?
Zapp Brannigan is the better Kirk.
Y'know, boys, a good captain needs many skills, such as boldness, daring and a velour uniform. And I'm not convinced Leela has any of those things.
We have failed to uphold Brannigan's Law. However, I did make it with a hot alien babe. And, in the end, is that not what man has dreamt of since first he looked up at the stars? Kif! I'm asking you a question!
i see you prefer a captain who has the crash of thunder in his thighs
Weird way to spell Link Hogthrob.
Heresy, Bill Shatner as Kirk is the best, Chris Pine is a close second.
Kirk's leadership style:
And the eyeliner
is that why my heart fluttered
Well, that and the animal magnetism.
I'm pretty sure that she was ultimately found out when Bones pointed out "Wait a minute, I've seen him act impulsively and unexpectedly before, but he's red-faced and hysterical right now, and that's weird!"
Everyone knows that the real Kirk is Johnnnnnnnnn Shepparrrrrrrrrd from SGA.
They know they can expect him to back them up, which I guess counts for a lot. Glares at Archer