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  • Just finished Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel.

    It's good, but I found it to be unmoving. I can see that whatever is written is well written but it didn't made me feel anything. I didn't find it funny, emotional, surprising, annoying. At no point I was tempted to stop reading it nor I was anxious to continue. For me it's a really solid 7/10. Maybe I'm in the minority on that and maybe it's because it's not the kind of book that I would usually read.

    On what's next I have been wanting to read the Three Body Problem but I'm curious about the translation. I've read books in english that were originally written in my native spanish and there's definitely a certain feel to them. It will be the first book originally in Chinese that I read, so I wonder about the translation, and if it would be better to get an English translation or a Spanish translation.

    • The translator of Three Body Problem Ken Liu is a native Chinese speaker with exceptional English language skills. I don't believe there are any issues with the translation work itself, but there are some oddities of intentionally reworked plots in the English release due to the book "Ball Lightning" not having been released for the English market yet so the references would not have made sense. I find this to be a poor decision, but you can always read Ball Lightning and about what that subplot was intended to be afterward. The Spanish version would likely have the same issue.

      • Thanks, you give me something to check out with that thing about the changes to the plot.

    • I found The Sea of Tranquility a bit dry but whimsical nonetheless.

      In a genre overburdened by books with two dimensional characters and core dumps of exposition, it was an interesting puzzle but it also isn’t making me want to reread it either. 7.5 or 8.

  • Been reading Rendezvous With Rama, incredible so far!

    • It's so good. I know it's not everyone's cup of tea but I love how the story is told based on observations rather than exposition through dialogues. I don't always need to relate to characters and their lives, sometime I just want to know about the weird gravity or atmosphere and stuff. For the longest time people said it could not be made into a movie, but Denis Villeneuve stepped up to the plate and I cannot wait to see what he does with it.

  • Aside from Project Hail Mary I am reading a couple other things. One of them for another book club I am in. I am listening to The Employees by Olga Ravn which I swear feels like being subjected to 2 hours of Rorschach tests asking you how some sequence of words makes you feel. I don't think I enjoy it very much as there is no fictional science or details about anything going on. The other is Diaspora by Greg Egan which I am enjoying greatly as it is nothing but technical details. Hopefully I don't end up being in the middle of too many books to actually finish any of them in a timely manner.

  • Finally getting around to reading Neuromancer. While I find some of the dialogue a little confusing I’m really enjoying its themes and the plot has me hooked. I can see why this book was so influential; it’s a little uncanny how many things Gibson predicted in this work.

  • Getting rid of Twitter and Reddit has been productive. I read the Expanse (and the novella collection) as well as Project Hail Mary, and the first book of the Three Body Problem.

    • Nice, hopefully Lemmy doesn't take too much of your time. At least you will only get exactly what you search for.

  • Just finished "The Gone World" by Tom Sweterlitsch.

    A mix of SciFi, detective and coslic horror. Pretty good, I really liked the ending.

  • Back when I had free time I was reading through the Dune series, currently about halfway into God Emporer of Dune.

  • Hyperion is so good, I'm rereading it right now. Second time through the series.