The Intruder (1962) full movie. AKA "Shame" is a low budget Roger Corman film that deals with early integration in the south. William shatner portrays a carpet bagger from the North? Who just shows up to cause trouble. The film is way ahead of its time when you consider the strife we are encountering in 2020. Watch it! - Broken Trout -
Happened upon this film early this morning, as the description says, it's scary how current it still is in the 2020's, except today we have millions of "intruders" online in the shape of troll farms, as well as many plain old open and honest bigots, both of who are more than happy to scapegoat and actively harm marginalised people for their own benefit (however minor).
Sadly but expectedly this is more the story of a white saviour, than of the Black people being targeted, and the happy ending doesn't resonate reality, but I think it's still worth a watch.
Hey, thanks for sharing this; always like to watch Shatner working.
But do us a favor and try to follow the naming guide in the side bar. That removes all that extra stuff YT videos frequently add (like the actor's names).
It really is.
The tactics never change (sow division of the population against each other so they're too distracted to fight those exploiting us all), and it's by deliberately keeping people ignorant to, and constantly bombarded by these tactics, that those in power are able to maintain it. Having all of the knowledge we have at the tip of our fingers to prove this (and what it leads to again and again) is no use when it's viewed by people who are deliberately not taught critical thinking skills and is completely drowned out by disinformation and conspiracy theories (which often get so close, and yet so far because it's a lot less scary to think an "other" is to blame for everything wrong with your life, than your own government you've been indoctrinated to believe works for you, and economic system you've been conned in to believing is "fair").
So much time has passed and nothing changed, in this regards! It's very concerning about the future. Who's to say this wont be the case 60 or 160 years from now?