Sara Smile by Hall And Oates
Sara Smile by Hall And Oates

Prompt was the full lyrics of a song. Test your lyrical knowledge and try guessing the title. The genre is Pop.
1 crossposts
Sara Smile by Hall And Oates
Prompt was the full lyrics of a song. Test your lyrical knowledge and try guessing the title. The genre is Pop.
Genuine question : Why is this down voted ? I really like the concept.
Bette Davis Eyes - Kim Carnes?
first one coming to my mind is Syd matters Black & whyte eyes this song being pretty nice I share it even though I don't think it's the correct answer
no it isnt correct
Because I like that song
In real vision XL v3 with NSFW as negative prompt (Because impromptu topless girl dancer wasn't what I was looking for)