Gobbo disappointment
Gobbo disappointment

Gobbo disappointment
Google says it’s “TateOfTot” on twitter.
If a cute goblin woman wanted to claim me as her husband, I probably wouldn't say no.
I mean, cute in a 2D depiction, with a lot of detail missing, but think of the reality of the situation.
Probably smells like shit, literally. Bathes as frequently as she hunts fish.
Probably has no idea what a toothbrush is, chunks of meat stuck between teeth until the enzymes in her saliva break it down over weeks.
Anatomically incompatible, probably.
Bro, the genre's called fantasy for a reason.
Why you gotta ruin my dream of finding someone who loves me for myself? Unrealistic though it might be...
I can fix her
I can fix her 😤
you're aware humans have existed in the wild for millions of years and we regularly fucked other human species, ye? and people can be in relationships without having sex.
Goblins that are capable of intelligent speech and understanding and desiring the concept of a husband are well within the limits of acceptability.
I mean, the many half races in DnD implies that most races arent anatomically incompatible
Fiction can be whatever you want it to be. There's no Right way to depict fantasy races/creatures.
Bathes as frequently as she hunts fish.
Bruh she has two toned hair and it looks good. That woman knows how to use hair dye well. I bet she bathes every day. Or every second day, goblins probably have healthier bathing habits than humans. Humans are so obsessed with cleanliness they don't give their bodies time to apply its own natural measures. You're not supposed to wash your hair with shampoo every day, you'll damage it. And no conditioner above the neck. Your hair's natural oils will come in and you'll have healthy locks that shine. Constantly stripping your hair's natural oils away will just make you dependent on shampoo and conditioner.
You had me at smells like shit
Clean shaven arms and legs, combed hair (with highlights?), and an earring all imply that the goblin does care about and maintain her hygiene/appearance
Making a lot of assumptions and claims about a literal fantasy creature.
I'd marry goblin slayer
If a
cute goblinwoman wanted to claim me as her husband, I probably wouldn't say no.
She's like 7 years old and roughly that size too.
@fbi@fbi.gov deal with this guy
The average goblin is about 3 to 3.5ft. And you can’t really tell a goblins age by looking at them. Admittedly, they reach adulthood at ~8 years old, but they live to 60.
You’re reaching, and it’s kinda creepy.
Sad truth is, the government does not care about the wellbeing of goblins. Shameful.
That said, i do not see a mention of age.
i will never understand the idea that human age limits would apply to a completely different species, if they're fully mature and capable of consent at 9 years old then that's their age limit, we don't get to impose that on their species.
Should we stop birds from getting it on with each other because they mature within a year or two? I think they might take offense to that, and i don't want to face an angry goose.
There are two types of dnd players.
Those who want to live the fantasy of being able to afford rent.
And those who want to fuck monsters.
Why are people always so dualistic in their categorizations?! What if I want to be able to afford rent and fuck monsters?!
I propose a third type, who just want to paint the world red.
Cyanide! Don't stick your dick in crazy!
I see your point, but what if she's really hot?
But don't stick your dick in crazy!
How did I just stumble upon a wild Soviet Womble reference? Bwahaha
I saw an opportunity and I took it!
What the fuck?
I am so sick of these unrealistic body standards.
What the fuck? Oh hell yes!
she cute
Hygiene for starters...
"Blood of enemies and dirt of the earth make goblin strong!"
Wasn't there a Goblin Waifu game that was alright?
Well, I mean, she needs to be 8 feet taller at least for it to work.
What youre seeing in this art is the artist's not so subconscious outlook on real life
"Your a cute short-queen, sure. Been wondering what it would be like to have a squeaker toy, let's go take a bath together to celebrate."
Edit: I am unsurpised and mildly disappointed that some folks have such narrow minds combined with a lack of humor. Truly a pity.
Wowwww I am wayy too drunk to feel this physically ill from something that isn't more whiskey
Its the squeaker toy for me. I cant upvote that
I can unabashedly say I have been enthusiastic enough with my partner to the point that "squeaker toy" is something of an intimate joke between us. I had assumed that others would have similar experiences or understanding. That's on me.
I think this is the wrong community for this type of comics ...
I disagree
I think this is the wrong community for this type of comment ...