For 2077, as a nerd with multiple completions with the different prologs (and a hardest difficulty clear of "Dont fear the reaper", and I have yet to complete the DLC), Fem-V I feel has the best dialog and a few other noticable gameplay differences.
If you play as Male-V
Your character is more agressive and with a few upgrades feels like they can solve most issues by punching someone through a wall, this works very well writing wise with the street kid background.
You also fit more into the sterotype of action-movie star, I sorta view this is the default for dialog as the game expects you to fight your way out of most problems.
If you play as Fem-V
Johnny is significantly less of a jack-ass to you early game. The corpo backstory has the games best lines, Fem-V is incredibly sassy and knows how to make people panic by bullshitting work jargon at them. On relationships, especially after the funeral, it makes me question why V and Jackie wernt an item, also River is a wet blanket... Sorry.
Overall both are fantastic VA preformances, I have played more games as Fem-V than Male-V, but thats mostly due to me prefering a netrunner/stealth build on the harder difficulties. One character comes off as a one-liner spouting cyborg with anger issues, and the other is a psycho-chick who will jump out of your cereal and stab you in the teeth.