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Disabling Navigation Gestures

Is there a way to disable the app's back navigation gesture? It kinda overlaps with Android's back gesture

  • Edit: I was describing Voyager, not Thunder.

    Yes! It's in a weird place, though.

    Settings > Appearance > Themes > Device Mode
    Set this to Android. It says it's a beta option, but I've not had any problems.

    This setting was very welcome to me, since I was forever triggering back when I meant to upvote a comment.

    • Sorry, but I think you're describing the setting in Voyager, I'm asking about the Thunder App (I posted this in the Thunder community)

      • Oops, you're right, sorry. I used to use Thunder and got mixed up.

        I can't see how to do it in Thunder 0.3.0, although it's way less easy to do accidentally, at least. I see version 0.4.0 is on its way but I don't see any mention of what you want there either.

  • There is.

    Settings>gestures>fullscreen swipe

    Just set the toggle to off to disable Thunder's built-in swipe to go back gesture.
