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Is there a book/saga that you finished and cannot forget to the point where it gets harder to read other books?

For me, the first time this happened was with The Royal Assassin Saga from Robin Hobb, and then Metro 2033.

This year, it’s The Witcher saga… (I can’t move on) I love all those introspective books with thoughtful heroes trying to make sense of the world they are forced to evolve into.

Do you have any other book like that?

  • I binged the Dredsen Files, and after that found it a little difficult to reset. Same for the Dune series.

    Then I binged all of the James Bond books, and by the last 2 or 3 I was more than ready to be done with those.

    • "The Neverending Story" by Michael Ende as a kid
    • "The Lord of the Rings" by J.R.R. Tolkien as a teen
    • "The Realm of the Elderlings" by Robin Hobb
    • "The Ea Cycle" by David Zindell
    • "The Manifold Trilogy" by Stephen Baxter

    These books' worlds absorbed me so completely in the most positive way!

    Though I must admit I'm a fan of rereading anyway. Don't know how many unknown books I skipped for a reread of know ones. ¯(ツ)_/¯

  • Malazan Book of the Fallen was like this for me. Great worldbuilding. Big ideas and loads of characters. Lots of obscure detail, all the way down to potsherds and verdigris.

    When I finished, I had a powerful impulse to reread the series immediately after finishing it.

  • Charlie Huston’s “Caught Stealing Trilogy” or “Hank Thompson Trilogy”. One of my favourite modern noir pieces of work. A damn solid 3 book series about a guy who gets mixed up in shady stuff and can’t seem to find an exit.

    I actually found and read the last book first, not knowing it was a trilogy. Which made me think it was trés cool how things in the past were referenced and added more weight to the main character/world. Turns out it was book 3 of 3. 🤪

    All three made/make it hard to get into clunky modern pulp/noir style fiction since.