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Max number of communities modded by one person.

If you look at the communities tab and sort by new, more communities there have 0 posts than have more than 10 posts. It seems like people are just making communities for the sake of having something to control, without any interest of actually contributing. Often times the communities are opposing, so it's not as if the mod actually has knowledge or an interest in all 6 sides.

Is there any discussion behind the scenes on a way to curb this. or is this not a concern at this time because lemmy is still small?

  • That is a good point. I'll discuss with my fellow instance admins and we will establish some guidelines.

    It definitely doesn't help anyone is a community is created for no reason than to be the mod and hope it catches on.

    IMO is someone wants to own the community, they need to at least show some effort of contributing to it regularly.

  • This isn't why I created several communities that didn't exist. I created them because I wanted to post something into a community that didn't exist. Any new user who wanted to do the same would look for such a community in order to post it. Or in the case of readers, they would look for the equivalent subreddits they're used to frequent on Lemmy. Assigning malice is strange. Of there are any problems with a community mod, I assume the admins can assign new ones and/or remove mods.
