How does someone change the Alt-key behavior under Windows?
package int poll_win_RawInput(ref InputEvent output) nothrow @nogc {
MSG msg;
BOOL bret = PeekMessageW(&msg, null, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE);
if (bret) {
////Some code that supposed to swallow WM_SYSKEY and the likes, but does not work as intended////
DispatchMessageW(&msg);//In the aforementioned block
////Function that optionally gets text input messages////
switch (msg.message & 0xFF_FF) {
////Regular user input handling via RawInput and some legacy stuff + XInput handling in separate function////
Since it's for games, the default Alt key behavior is undesirable for me. It makes my test application hang and make error noises since it doesn't have a menubar. I checked whether my window had a flag that enabled the menubar or not, but couldn't find it.
I'll be letting though certain keypresses in the future, and will only be blocking the alt key from hanging my app and such. It also blocks the Alt+F4 key combination and co.