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Anyone else running Lemmy with Kubernetes?

I just spun up Lemmy on my Kubernetes cluster with nginx-unprivileged and ingress-nginx. All is well so far! I’m thinking about posting the Kustomization manifests and continuing to maintain and publish OCI’s per version release of Lemmy.

  • 👋 I'm not using Kustomize, just throwing Deployment manifests and such at the cluster manually. Works pretty nicely, though I had some trouble setting up the custom nginx stuff to proxy stuff in - I ended up running a new nginx instance and pointing the Ingress at that rather than the Lemmy pods directly. Maybe there's a more elegant solution I'm missing?

  • I currently am running the instance I am responding from on kubernetes. I published a helm chart, and others are working on them too. I feel being able to quickly deploy a kubernetes instance will help a lot of smaller instances pop up, and eventually be a good method of handling larger instances once horizontal scaling is figured out.

  • I am! and I worked on setting this up yesterday. He mentioned building a Helm chart for the whole shebang.

    • Yep I'm still working on a helm chart. Currently, each service is deployed with the bjw-s app-template helm chart, but I'd like to combine it all into a single chart.

      The hardest part was getting ingress-nginx to pass ActivityPub requests to the backend, but we settled on a hack that seems to work well. We had to add the following configuration snippet to the frontend's ingress annotations: |
        if ($http_accept = "application/activity+json") {
          set $proxy_upstream_name "lemmy-lemmy-8536";
        if ($http_accept = "application/ld+json; profile=\"\"") {
          set $proxy_upstream_name "lemmy-lemmy-8536";
        if ($request_method = POST) {
          set $proxy_upstream_name "lemmy-lemmy-8536";

      The value of the variable is $NAMESPACE-$SERVICE-$PORT.
      I tested this pretty thoroughly and haven't been able to break it so far, but please let me know if anybody has a better solution!

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