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  • I grew up a Jehovah's Witness and disabled. I constantly heard how once the "new system" came by disability would be healed. My grandmother would constantly talk about how terrible everything is from all the "worldly people". My parents divorced when I was a teenager. They quickly shunned my mother and us. Then again after our grandmothers death (who went to the church.. religiously), we heard nothing from them. They don't care about anyone but themselves.

    Anyway, once I started Earth Science in high school and learned how old everything really is, how large space is and how truly small and insignificant we are to the universe. It put it all into perspective and now I'm pretty much an Atheist. I know I don't truly know what is out there, or who created us. But I know it wasn't some dude that did it just to set us up to fail. So why should I have any belief in that?

  • I de-converted (and de-baptized myself) from Christianity when I was nineteen.

    Once I was outside of my parents' bubble, it was easier to take a look around and realize that God isn't real, and the only reason I was ever a Christian is that I was born and programmed to be that way. I now see my life as finite which makes me value my time and mental well-being much more than I did before.

    • How do you debaptise yourself? Have some time to kill and wanna do a funni

      • It was a ritual I made up myself. Since you baptize by water, I debaptized by fire.

        I just set up a little tailgate grill, made a small fire, burned my Bible and sprinkled a few drops of my blood onto it. It was a fairly quick thing but very cathartic, as it came on the heels of two years of my brain railing against my programming and I had many, many nightmares about demons and spiritual warfare.

  • I was raised loosely Catholic, as in know the stuff but don't go to mass regularly. I learned about other religions on my own, my doubts rose as I saw what a Catholic school looked like, then had a falling out with "God" when a school friend died in a silly way (football to the head, dead the next day). I kept a spiritual side, learning more about different cults, but after learning about the scientific method, I started recognizing the patterns of manipulation and wishful thinking in all belief systems, leading me to scientific anti-theism, or "Atheism". I've considered left-hand Satanism for a while, but I'm not fond of rituals.

    Right now my religion is "None", with a dash of tolerance for those who don't understand science but try to, and another dash of fiery wrath for those who attempt to convert me to their beliefs.

  • I learned my religious beliefs (atheist) may be more accurately described as naturalist or naturalistic paganism. But I’m still trying to figure it out.

    • Is that neo paganism? I've witnessed a pagan marriage once and I also experienced Heilung live.

      Have you ever read about how Charles the great forcefully converted many pagans to Christianity?

      I've been wanting to visit a local grove.

      • I’m not sure. I don’t believe in the supernatural. But I do want to celebrate the delicate balance of life on this planet. I think the wheel of the year and 8 Sabbats make sense to me. Many of them are already celebrated very near the date anyway (Halloween, Christmas, . I don’t believe in deities as conscious beings, but I acknowledge the ancient traditions of respecting a personified version of a natural force. Sun, water, biology, earth, air, and moon are the mains elements I would acknowledge. I don’t pray to them and hope for an answer - I respect the role that each of them play in our continued existence on this planet. We exist at the mercy of these elements. A way of expressing gratitude when otherwise they may be taken for granted. A thought exercise that is useful for my own mental health. Kind of like karma - I don’t literally believe that good and bad actions will balance out; I think life is better when you try to lift up those around you.

        So, when I close my eyes and feel the warmth of the sun for a moment, it’s as close to praying as I will get. Thankful that solar flares haven’t ended us yet. When I plunge into an icy lake or ocean, it’s as close to praying as I will get. The cold water completely overwhelms the senses and for that moment, I feel I am cold water. And I love water. I will love water even during floods. When I am atop a mountain, I am praying to the earth - thankful that we have not been ended by super volcanos or earthquakes. Similar acknowledgements can be made for wind/air and life/health.

        I’m content calling myself an atheist, but that doesn’t say anything, it says not something else. My reasons for wanting a religion are the legal protections that come along with it, and the recruiting power. It could be a tool to convert religious people - instead of feeling exiled from their church community, that they may feel welcomed into a larger community. I don’t mean recruitment like door to door, I mean naturally, somebody looking for guidance or meaning in life without god would find it. The truth of it is self-evident.

  • I'm of a kind of Vajrayana ( Tibetan AwakeSoulism/Buddhism ) which apparently died-out centuries ago.

    ( I've earned Soul/CellOfGod/Continuum memories from previous lives, in meditation: only 1 of those previous incarnations was human, the rest were mostly insects, like a hornet/bee/wasp probably in central Africa who saw a few humans )

    it's abstract.

    All material-forms, all rituals, etc, are misleading, fundamentally.

    OceanOfAllAwakeSouls/Brahman/G-D/EmitterOfUnconsciousSouls hasn't any form.

    The old testament had something on that: "commandment that no-one ever mistake any form for G-D".

    Carlos Castaneda's guru "Juan Matus" spoke of the real Universe being abstract.

    Basically, it's Science/Engineering of one's Continuum's future-condition.

    Want to be crushed under suffering more? Then crush others under suffering, & wait for the action->reaction, of the meanings emitted by one's continuum eventually are forced back into one's continuum.

    Want to be liberated from reincarnation/Universe's-recycling & all the perpetual cycle-of-birth-life-sickness-injury-death-bardo...birth..?

    THEN all one has to do, is earn shedding SurfaceMind/ego duality ( which Castaneda's tradition called "Crossing Over" & Buddhism calls realizing of Zen: same thing: ego-annihilation ), so only the 2 more-fundamental minds still are in-play,

    then earn the dissolution of one's LifeMind, which is our unconscious & our dreaming-mind, but it can be made fully conscious & capable..

    Earning the dissolution of that leaves only the Soul/Continuum/3rdAttention ( as Castaneda's tradition called it ).

    Once that's done, then one only has to purify it enough so that not-only is it free from Universe's containment/perpetual-recycling, but it eventually gets from inside Universe to outside ( which is Enlightenment: dissolution into OceanOfAllAwakeSouls/GreatSpirit/Brahman/G-D/etc )

    There are 3 kinds of mind which obliterator-force can't understand, from our perspective:

    • Wisdom-seeing-through-phenomena's-lack-of-inherent-nature
    • Faithing ( surrendering-to, relying-on, & being gratitude-for, LivingSpirit, one's BuddhaNature, or other LivingInfinity/SoulGuru )
    • Bodhichitta ( immeasurable compassion for all sentiences, incapable of insecurity. It's what Yehoshua "Jesus" benJoseph meant when he said "be born in spirit", as NOTHING else comes close to that sentience. I experienced it only for 1-1.5seconds, some years ago )

    Anyways, it's all self-evolution, eradication-of-the-ego/self, sublimation-from-ignorant-matter-to-pure-spirit, & that kind of thing..

    Just providing this for a bit of perspective: most assumption-rivers/religions don't hold that there is some mathematical-form/judo required for a someone to get from their current-condition to their desired improved-condition, but that's essentially how mine works.

    Current condition, desired condition, what is the geometry-of-intent which produces the alteration-of-one's-unconscious-mind that one wants..

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