I know it looks more like a butt than a heart...
I know it looks more like a butt than a heart...
... but it's my most successful attempt at latte art so far. I also know the foam could be better, but I'm really chuffed about the progress I'm making and wanted to share it!
Reminds me of a ginko leaf I like it.
20ReplyCame to say this. Ginko is a symbol for longevity. I’d take it over a heart, @daddyjones@lemmy.world
There's a theory that the <3 shape was originally meant to be a butt before it was inverted and called a heart. I mean look at it and look at an actual heart. So it's true to form.
10ReplyIt could also be some boobies.
4ReplyBut it matches the butt perfectly
So what does a spade represent?
Anyone can do hearts. Embrace your butt skills, run with this.
9ReplyYou're quite right - I should crack my way into my own little niche.
9ReplyAs a barista you'll be an asset
Nice lungs, bro!
5ReplyIt looks like a tulip to me
5ReplyI like looking at butts more than heart shapes anyway.
4ReplyNo butts about it, I <3 this.
4ReplyThe 2000's world wide web ruined me.
I can't read <3 without hearing this banger.
Or the tip of a dick that has a foreskin. Haha!
2ReplyThe best butts look like upside down hearts.
2ReplyIt’s the other way around.
A heart looks like an upside-down butt
3ReplyNot all butts, just the best female butts.
Keep it up!
2Replyhalf leaf clover