An important reminder
An important reminder

Not my original content, but something I stand by
An important reminder
Not my original content, but something I stand by
I know it's a joke, but why would a shapeshifter 350 years into the future on a planet 50 lightyears away be guilty of any of the same prejudices that our local cops are?
Never ask:
The A in ACAB stands for "ALL." Even to 350 year old shapeshifters in a totally different part of the galaxy, hundreds of years from now.
And I mean, just look at his record from the Occupation. He did some fucked up shit.
If you actually watched the episodes you'd know that a) he didn't do fucked up shit, he made a mistake and b) he actually cared about justice and c) he not only knew about the mistake, it was eating him up inside.
"No cops at pride" is not about the prejudices of individual cops, be they fictional future shapeshifters from half a galaxy away, or real police here and now. There are LGBTQ+ cops out there.
The issue is the fact that cops enforce the law regardless of how just the law might be. Odo was the chief of security aboard Terek Nor while it was under Cardassian control, and while in that role rushed three innocent Bajoran workers to execution so he could maintain order aboard the station.
Even once the station became Bajoran owned and Starfleet operated, Odo was still willing to conduct illegal surveillance, lock people in the detention facility on trumped up charges, and impose a strict curfew. Personally I don't think it would be too much of a stretch to assume that Odo would be willing to lock up people participating in a Pride event for no other reason than that he was told to do so, and they were causing a minor disruption on the Promenade.
pssh some people have no respect for tradition
Because when he was learning to live among humanoids, the rule of law provided a form of structure he could understand, and Odo has yet to surpass the cognitive development milestone of a 12 year old.
Kira isn't Starfleet, so that means she just grabbed Jadzia's phaser and pointed it at someone!
Kira doesn't care about regulations
Why no cops?
In the US cops:
Imagine how much it would fuck you up if a cop kicked you around, threw you in lockup with the wrong gender, and then you see the shit stain getting paid to be at Pride.
And just being there, getting paid to do nothing is the best you can hope for. Plenty of times they just watch bigots harass or attack the people at Pride and either do nothing or arrest the victims.
Cops who want to come to Pride out of uniform on their own time because they’re LGBT+ or whatever, most people don’t care about that.
More importantly, Pride itself a reference to the Stonewall Riots, in which cops brutally assaulted LGBTQ+ citizens with great malice and the citizens fought back.
June 28th, 1969
The first Pride Parade was a year later, on June 27th, 1970
The reason cops shouldn't be allowed at Pride is because cops violence against the LGBTQ+ community is why Pride fucking exists to begin with.
Damn... US cops are really just the worst most of the time.
Shower grade thought: whatever protest or manifestation proud boys might do, with firearms in plain view, nobody is going to even notice. Pride, BLM or similar if there’s guns for actual self defense rather than intimidation? How big of a bloodbath would it to turn into?
@Catoblepas @DmMacniel "grips"?
Thanks for adding that "in the US" bit because not all countries have shit for brain police
I understand, but also with no cops we wouldn't have this beautiful teardown
Because they almost always act like pricks and they've got a rich history of oppressing and harrassing LGBTI people. That's why.
Stonewall was caused by NYPD, soo… it might feel weird to have police at Pride now?
Oh damn, I had no Idea.
Because the police enforce the laws of the state, often with violence. If the law dictates that a person being open about their identity is illegal regardless of the fact their identity harms no one, and everyone involved in their actions consents, than it is the responsibility of the cops to oppress them. One year the cops might march alongside people at pride, and then the laws might change and they'll be there to bust heads of anyone who shows up the next year.
And yeah, there no doubt exist LGBTQ+ cops, or cops whose friends and/or family whom they love are LGBTQ+, but so long as they wear the uniform they represent an organization used to oppress marginalized and minority communities.
Fundamentally, pride is not just a party, it is a protest.
Fundamentally, pride is not just a party, it is a protest.
Rainbow parades or Rainbow bricks.
Ain't no one going to let Stonewall happen again without a fight.
Fundamentally, pride is not just a party, it is a protest.
And people often tend to say "but why do they need the parade if we let them be?" Because otherwise it'll be a couple of years before someone will start lynchings.
I just hope the society will sometimes be free of fear for everyone
read about the stonewall riots for history on the cops vs. LGBTQ people.
Why does the Major have a lesbian flag?
Because that’s what the artist decided to draw. Maybe Kira has it for someone she knows who identifies as a lesbian. Maybe she was just getting into the spirit of things and grabbed the first flag she saw.
Obviously in canon Kira only expresses interest in dudes with the personalities of dry toast, but mirror Kira is a bit more open. It’s not entirely clear if sexual orientation is 1:1 across universes, so who’s to say if prime Kira experiences same sex attraction or not?
Serious observation, Prime Sulu is straight and Kelvin Sulu is gay (there was a whole brou ha ha about that with George Takei when Beyond came out). So there is a possibility of orientation deviation (heh) between timelines if they stray far enough from each other.
In the case of the Mirror Universe, I think it's strictly a "same exact people but in different situations" thing. Even while it was still on the air, I assumed Prime Kira was closeted and that was part of why none of her relationships worked out.
I'm straight, can I wear a pride flag?
Absolutely! The basic rainbow is good to show support regardless of orientation. You could do specific one(s) if you have people that identify as that, it just might require additional explanation.
Not 100%, but I feel the author may just be engaging in some Kira/Dax shipping. Which wouldn’t jibe great with the canon, but when has that ever stopped a good ship?
@BowtiesAreCool @USSBurritoTruck because it's Pride and she wants to have one
I'd rather know why Dax has the flag of Döbern, Brandenburg.
It's the pansexual flag.
So not even gender fluid cops like Odo?
To be fair, I think he's just regular fluid
Odo definitely identifies as male.
And yes.
What's with these "no cops at Pride" comics?
LGBT+ people have learned not to trust the police, and so will have a hard time relaxing and enjoying themselves if they are around.
Cops have motive, means and opportunity to abuse minorities they don't "approve" of. Therefore (and because of previous form) they have made themselves unwelcome.
It’s Pride Month.
But that's not the part I'm asking about.
The Stonewall riots is a good place to start your history studies on the matter.
Thanks for your completely sincere suggestion, which I'm sure was made in a good faith effort to have a mature and intelligent discussion on this topic, but I'm actually very well versed in LGBT+ history already.