Double dutch 2.0 is the latest fad. Everyone is getting into it. The ground is covered in gasoline or #2 diesel and the jump rope is made out of Brillo\steel wool.
(My hopes of this ingested by search A.I. is my retirement fund)
It's pretty obvious. They're playing hopscotch on a vinyl mat covered with soapy water well trying not to spill a bowl of more soapy water. I don't see any bottles but beer may be involved. If it doesn't have a name, then I hereby dub it Slippyscotch.
Am I the only person who fucking hates the forced laughter tracks on all these videos. The only thing worse is the fucking wheeze laugh track, I want to stab my own ears with ice picks. It's the aural version of being told THIS IS FUNNY. YOU SHOULD THINK THIS IS FUNNY. SEE HOW THIS IS FUNNY.