I mean, I still totally probably would.
Back in my drinking days, I definitely would have taken her home at last call.
I didn't comment about her body in that comment.
Anyhow, with caveats, I would totally make that comment in front of the right crowd. I've been to a lot of kink parties and drag shows. Cis-het peeps don't have a monopoly on catty coments.
If someone wears a shirt with a sexual statement on it, then others will make sexual statements about them.
I didn't even think about the Luigi/Italian thing until I read it in a comment. To me, that shirt said that she has sex better than people who aren't Italian.
I did make a deleted comment referring to her Botox or plastic surgery and that I considered it a red flag. I find uncanny valley plastic surgery profoundly unattractive. I don't remember exactly what I said. It was flippant and arguably objectification.
So, I misread the room and my joke was poorly received. I haven't read the rules for shitposting or whatever and would not be surprised if I violated a rule.
From my view, the shirt with a funny sexual statement invites other sexual statements. I think that anyone that denies that the slogan is a double entendre is naive at best. The level of outrage amusing.