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Histories Mysteries
  • I see two ureters running from the kidneys to the bladder, one ureter cut, bladder pushed to right side. Urethra runs from bladder on top of vagina. Some dissection knowledge present.

    Vulva and pubic mound are present, if not terribly well drawn. There may be some influence of vulva as a mouth.

    Ovaries are present as is uterus. Muscular nature of uterus is shown along with fetus.

    Clitoris seems to be missing.

    There are extra pipes all over, with some going to the wrong locations, and things seem to be linked to the liver. The liver being involved is likely due to whatever medical theories were prevalent at the time, humors maybe.

    I would assume that the artist likely took a lot of inspiration from animal entrails.

    Ignorance isn't the same as stupid. Looks like a lot of thought was put into it. I would view this more as an early map than as an attempt at realism.

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    Roll Constitution
  • I gave my son a copy of the Choose Your Own Adventure about the UFOs for Christmas a couple years ago. It's the one with the impossible ending. The only way to get the good ending is to cheat and flip to it.

    I also wrote a hidden message in the picture in the hidden ending. He still hasn't found it.

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    Watch Stephen Miller have a full meltdown when asked to back up crime claim with facts
  • Had a drug dealer as neighbor, for about a decade. He wasn't a low level dealer, dude was moving weight. Must have been distributor level.

    While I wouldn't want him as a friend, he was a good neighbor.

    He kept his business to himself. Kept an eye on anything suspicious.

    Visitors only would have their stereo up once. After that, you'd hear them turn it down when they got to the corner about a block away.

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    Father of Georgia school shooting suspect told investigators he purchased gun as holiday present for son, sources say
  • He also has open access to rat poison.

    ... that's why I'm against open access without an issued permit.

    I'm guessing you're not from the US? Permits aren't issued for such a thing. As far as I know, permits are only issued for concealed carry outside of one's property. There are hunting licenses, but that that doesn't really factor in to gun access.

    Given the smaller calibers and slow fire rates of the guns he has access to, the purpose of his guns is not man killing. They're for varmints and such.

    I keep going back to the tool definition of guns. In the US, most people seem to no longer view guns as tools. They are scary or empowering magic objects that cause great fear or act as a male enhancement device depending on political views.

    IDK, this society is sick this shooting is a symptom. People's knee jerk reactions to guns on both sides is a symptom. Kids get caught in the middle in the meat grinder.

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    A Different Way of Being a Man
  • Ehh. There is a particular sickness among white men. It's a failure of masculinity. It's also a failure by the Left.

    Men are screeched at about toxic masculinity, especially young men. Many societal ills are blamed on white men, (hell, I blame them, rightfully so).

    The Right welcomes them with open arms, tells them it's a liberal conspiracy. It fills their heads with empty hate and silly alpha/beta crap.

    The Left says not much in the way of what positive masculinity should look like.

    Men experience heightened levels of anger, aggression, mature later, poor impulse control. This is a natural part of having a male hormonal system. Without a good support system and role models, this can lead to ugly places for young men. When it's young white men, the Right scoops them up.

    The men that look like me, talk like me, have interests like me almost always have abhorrent political beliefs and are full of conspiracy theories. I'm a redneck and often hate my own people. It's like the self hating Jews or black folks you hear about.

    Positive white masculinity is absolutely in crisis in America. I don't know what the answer is, but it is absolutely a problem that affects all genders, orientations, and minorities. It's a problem because white men hold so much power and will continue to have that power for a long time.

    The Right has won the hearts and minds of many white men. The Left needs to pull its head out of its ass and figure out a strategy to win back at least some of these men. It needs to help young white men grow into manhood in a positive way.

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    Father of Georgia school shooting suspect told investigators he purchased gun as holiday present for son, sources say
  • How ignorant are you?

    That's a dick way to ask that question. How ignorant are you? Man killing guns were absolutely and still are viewed as tools, especially by the military.

    I've got plenty of problems with the way I was raised, especially religion and politics. However, my parents and grandparents viewed guns as tools. Most people around me as a kid viewed them as tools. Concealed carry was almost unheard of and, for the most part, paranoid gun nuts were viewed with some distaste.

    I was raised in rural Alabama, fwiw. I think the big change in attitude started happening with Ruby Ridge, Waco, and Columbine. There has absolutely been a cultural shift around guns and their fetishization.

    As far as genocide and all the horrible things that have been done, duh. The focus was on the killing, not the tools used to do the job. You don't see people fetishizing Zyclon b, small pox, or famine to this degree.

    You're just looking for something to get offended about.

    But whatever, guess I'm just ignorant.

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    Father of Georgia school shooting suspect told investigators he purchased gun as holiday present for son, sources say
  • I've also seen first-hand why having a gun in the house increases risk of death, specifically for veterans like me.

    There's that whole healthcare, including mental healthcare, thing again. "Here kid, take this gun and go kill people for 'Murica, like protect our freedoms or whatever. What, you want healthcare now that you're back home and fucked up? Fuck you, go to the VA and take a number." That shit is fucked and I've hung with several fucked up veterans. Poor bastards didn't sign up for that shit.

    I hope I never ever have to shoot at a person.

    Gun culture shouldn't even be a thing like it is. At most, it should be like car culture or something.

    I enjoy my guns but I also love a lot of my other tools. I've got a 1944 or earlier Atlas lathe I restored, a '98 Ford Ranger that I keep running tight. I'm currently working on a '69 Wheel Horse mini tractor. I've got a caliper from 1856. I've got an assortment of knives that I use for various things, most of them in carbon steel.

    Gun culture should be a subset of tool culture, not this insane identity political religion shit that we have now.

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    Father of Georgia school shooting suspect told investigators he purchased gun as holiday present for son, sources say
  • That's kind of the point I'm trying to make. There's a healthy way for kids to have and use guns, but it certainly isn't this.

    America has so warped its perception of guns that they're now some sort of male enhancement device and tied into people's identity.

    This is probably a somewhat idealized view of the past, but I would think most Americans of the past viewed guns primarily as tool instead of as a supplementary cock.

    Those people have no business owning a gun. I fully support some sort of gun control. Even more than that, public healthcare including mental healthcare would go a long way towards reducing shootings like this.

    If the cops showed up to talk to me about my kid making threats, I would very politely listen to them without saying much or incriminating any of us. I'd check in with his teachers, get their side. Then I'd almost certainly lock up every gun, most of the knives and get him to a shrink. If we could afford it, we'd be looking into inpatient therapy.

    A big chunk of this country, for all intents and purposes, has gone permanently insane. They're a danger to themselves and others. Doesn't seem to be any fixing it anytime soon.

    It pisses me off. I often feel like suburban wannabe tuff guys are trying to ape masculinity and they end up cosplaying as me. Do they feel like real big boys now?

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    Temporary rule: No shitposts on vegan pets and feeding them.
  • Aww, man. I only had two of my comments removed for my lack of civility.

    Personally, I was having a lot of fun fighting with the vegans.

    Can somebody get me a sad trombone?

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    Father of Georgia school shooting suspect told investigators he purchased gun as holiday present for son, sources say
  • Why? He's not as big into hunting like me, but will kill varmints when necessary and has done so when I'm not home so his mother didn't have to.

    I used to go hunting alone when I was his age.

    He's mentally stable, well adjusted. He views guns as tools, as do I. He also has a rolling toolbox with $1k of tools in it. He put in so much work this summer that a full toolbox was part of how I rewarded him.

    Now, if there was depression, threats, suicidal tendencies, etc.: totally different situation.

    Guns aren't a masculinity fetish for us, they're just another tool. Guns and other power tools are fun to play with as long as you understand the safety and proper use of them.

    I'm in the market for a chainsaw, I'll be getting chaps to go with it. He'll also be trained in the use of the chainsaw and have open access to it.

    I've also been teaching him how to drive and he can't get a permit until he's 16.

    He uses dangerous tools regularly. More and more, he does so without my direct supervision.

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    Metal rule
  • It's definitely a problem. It's up to metalheads to handle it as well. Throw their bitch asses out of shows. Give them shit reviews. Any day is a good day to punch a Nazi.

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    Father of Georgia school shooting suspect told investigators he purchased gun as holiday present for son, sources say
  • My fourteen year has a few guns. 20 gauge single shot break barrel, .410 single shot break barrel, bolt action .22 rifle and a single action .22 revolver. (Single action revolvers are the really old school kind where you have to cock the hammer each time it shoots. It's a damn big revolver as well, good luck concealing it.) They are used for varmint control and hunting. The revolver is great for rat shot and he has taken quite a few gophers with it. He understands what guns do and how they cause death.

    We hunt, fish, camp, kayak, live on a tiny farm.

    I don't own an AR, don't have use for one at this time. Giving a kid an AR and uncontrolled access to it in an urban environment is nucking futz. My son has access to his guns because I trust him to safely and respectfully use them. He also has been trained in their proper use since he was 7 or 8.

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    Metal rule
  • More often than not, I meet another metalhead, instant brother or sister. Tend to be cool people.

    We moved this summer using an old box truck. Had a breakdown in the middle of Ohio, stuck at a gas station, no cans or uber. Totally told a kid that was gothed up and covered in tats, "Are you a metalhead? Metalheads are cool people, my kid and I are broke down and need a ride." Joey was very cool, gave us a ride to the parts store and a hotel, wouldn't take my money. He likes that Screamo stuff that I'm not real into, we both agree that Maiden, cool jazz, and OTEP are the tits.

    For the few assholes: the Dead Kennedys said it best.

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    Everyone became animal rights enthusiasts real fast...
  • You have your religion. Your religion says it's not ethical to kill animals. I don't believe in your religion.

    Yup, omnivore. I've got the canines and binocular vision as well as the molars and gut to prove it. I like meat and vegetables. Your religion says it's bad to eat meat. I don't care about your strongly held beliefs: I think they're a bunch of hooey.

    I have no ethical or moral problem with killing as I do it. It's not wrong to kill animals and eat them.

    Hunting is pretty much built in to being human. It's about the closest thing to religion I have left. Squirrel hunting is my favorite type of quarry. I get to sneak miles through the woods and explore.

    Other than a few vegans that actually do a lot of camping and hiking, I'm far more connected to nature, my place in it, and the effects of climate change than most vegans ever will be. My family and I moved 700 miles this summer. Climate change and the future of my children and maybe grandchildren was a big factor that drove the move.

    Again, you have strongly held religious beliefs that I think are bullshit. I also really dislike the sneering judgement I see so much of coming from your religion and people. It's just like fundamentalist Christians in tone, stridency, superiority, and sanctimony. You're not any better than me. You just believe some crap that I don't. Again, just like the fundamentalist Christianity I grew up in. You know those televangelists that beg for money? That's a mirror of the people you believe in. The people protesting outside abortion clinics? That's your people with a different set of beliefs.

    As far as climate change and greenhouse gases go, yup. Major problem. I'm actually reducing my impact, but, unless we tackle the industrial sources, an individual's impact is a drop in the ocean at the scales that we're talking about. Also, meat taken by hunting is about as low impact as it gets. Especially venison.

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    Everyone became animal rights enthusiasts real fast...
  • Exactly.

    I enjoy hunting but I don't glory in the killing. There is always a part of me that is sad when I kill. Even killing a rat or butchering a fish gives me a twinge. I don't feel bad when I kill a mosquito, but do feel bad when I kill a black widow.

    If I raise an animal to eat it, it will be properly cared for and have a good life and as painless a passing as I can make it.

    When I take a picture of something I killed, I make sure blood or injuries are not visible. That is disrespectful to that life I took.

    I recently killed a groundhog because it was being a varmint and digging up the foundation of my garage and chicken coop.

    I tried to clean it so we could eat it, but must have hit the glands. The smell of the carcass was almost chemical it was so strong. They're supposed to be good, but I'd never had to kill one. Harder to skin than a squirrel and they have super tough hide.

    I had to toss it and it bothered me. Even though it was being a varmint: to me it is ethical to kill a varmint and not eat it. However, you should make use of that life if you can.

    I killed a coon once as a kid and had to eat it after it was smoked. Not good. Never killed an animal again that I wasn't going to eat except for varmints.

    Varmints are animals out of balance. Rats and roaches are almost always varmints. Spiders rarely are. Overpopulated deer are often varmints. A groundhog out in the woods is just a critter, a groundhog digging out my foundation is a varmint. Cats are varmints when they are feral and killing wild birds, especially ground nesting birds.

    Critters are animals in balance or domesticated.

    Varmints are also almost always a species of least concern.

    The environment would be in a much better place if people were more connected to their food.

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    Everyone became animal rights enthusiasts real fast...
  • Yah, I was pretty insulting. Removed for lack of civility. I enjoy venting my rage at holier-than-thou vegans. They hate the religious and fanatic comparison. I've dealt with a lot of religious bullshit in my life, so someone judging me by their religious standards tends to put me in a vengeful mood.

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    after 40 all meals are horror
  • It's been a year or two since I played with OSS CAD/CAM. It was still heavily lacking. QCad is only 2d.

    I check it every few years hoping for improvement.

    FreeCAD UI was still so bad it was basically unusable and I could not wrap my head around it. Horrible interface and totally unintuitive. I'm still not sure how to take a simple linear measurement. Installed a plugin that sort of worked to measure. That crap was designed by aliens.

    The OSS CAMs can generate a tool path, but it is difficult and they aren't feature rich. CNC programming puts food on my table and I need the speed and features of pro level software. If I was playing with a router and doing a lot of 2d stuff, I could make it work for that. Especially if my time didn't matter.

    If Mastercam would just port to Linux I would happily switch.

    I'm a CNC programmer with enough computer programming knowledge to be dangerous but not actually contribute to the various projects out there. Sucks.

    I'll have to throw qalculate on my computer and play with it. I'm actually rebuilding our new little farm right now and am taking a break from machining while I put our home right. If our savings hold out, I'll be building my own shop.

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    after 40 all meals are horror
  • Running stock Android on my phone and use Jerboa for Lemmy, my computer is Windows 10 as Linux still is lacking in CAD/CAM. In particular, CAM at a professional level. My home server is running Linux, however. Been playing with Linux for a long time.

    Wish Mastercam worked in Linux and I'd happily make the jump.

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    after 40 all meals are horror
  • It's rare, in America, for there to be an actual stall. Food trucks or carts are much more common and serve the same function. Stalls can be found at festivals and fairs.

    Some of the best food comes out of food trucks. There's a whole little culture around food trucks.

    I've seen stalls in other countries on TV. Anthony Bourdain, for instance. He seems to accept a certain amount of food poisoning and dubious ingredients. Some of it still looks really good.

    We also have the Tamale Lady phenomenon here. If you see a Hispanic lady or old man selling tamales out of a cooler, you better get some. They'll be the best damn tamales you've ever had.

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    after 40 all meals are horror
  • We try and only eat out as a treat. Almost all of our my meals are eaten at home as we work from home these days. Also, my wife is an amazing cook and her food is better than most restaurants. We usually have leftovers or a sandwich for lunch.

    I'm not familiar with your currency symbol? What country do you live in and are the health standards low enough that eating from a stall is a concern? That's a different situation.

    I'm in the US, so food trucks, stalls and gas stations actually have decent standards. (Often, the cleanliness in these places is heads and shoulders above corporate chain places.)

    I learned to always check the bathroom of a restaurant. How clean they keep their bathroom tells you a lot about how they keep their kitchen. Small, family run, places tend to have the best food and the cleanest bathrooms, in my experience.

  • Found the original fireplace mantel half buried behind the garage.

    Another before:


    It's green Vermont slate, figured out that it was originally painted black and marbled. Victorian thing, faux marble mantels. Fireplace is also Victorian faux, red brick, would have had logs and a red light. I'll be putting in a gas insert at some point.

    Started at 220grit, and worked up to 1000. Finished with a 50/50 mix of boiled linseed oil and mineral spirits:

    Didn't realize slate could be this pretty and figured:




    So, I found this stone mantel behind the garage of the 100 year old house we just bought. It was mostly buried in the dirt. Fits our mantel perfect. Some sort of green stone. Was painted black at some point. I'm trying to strip the paint and want to refinish the stone. Area is southeast of Pittsburgh. Father of the man who built the house was an Italian stonemason that immigrated.

    Don't think it's slate, has a tight grain and rings when you knock on it.

    What kind of stone is this?




    Cishet male. In no way do I mean offense or have I tried to take advantage of lower functioning individuals, that's just sick. Best I can figure, I'm a typical. Maybe I'm a little crazy; but who isn't.

    During a discussion about my son's neurodivergency, I realized I have a 'type' of woman. (Son is technically stepson, but he's my boy.) I tend to be attracted to high functioning women that are on the spectrum.

    I've been in four relationships with divergent women, three serious and two extended friends with benefits. I've been in two serious relationships with typical women. Many flings with typical women. Figure that's pretty statistically unlikely.

    In my experience, divergent women tend to have a refreshing openness in communication. Painfully honest. Direct. They have some weird stuff that can be alternately cute and irritating. When sleeping they either don't like to snuggle or like being an octopus. (My preference is octopus but my wife only tolerates some side contact.) They like to discuss instead of argue. Sexually adventurous and willing to work for satisfaction. They prefer precision in statements. I find myself writing in an extended way that I don't engage in with other people and try and pay attention to grammar and punctuation. Pretty sure this doesn't apply to all women on the spectrum, just my 'type'.

    I dunno, just a strange realization, especially at this stage of life. It's not a fetish, just something that has occurred.


    Like this is hitting me real hard. I can feel the sadness and the fight. They're good boys and and don't deserve what's coming down. They have some good religion. I'd like to be like these men. We fight for the ones we love.


    Xpost from casual conversations. Delete if it doesn't fit.

    In the final stages of moving from the deep south to a northern state.

    I used to run a shop under a corporation. Long story, but I integrated the shop, and built something beautiful. I had to use a temp service to do a lot of my hiring, I hired lots of black folks because they were undervalued and I could give them a good environment and pay. Was just starting to hire women. COVID and Qanon blew it the fuck up.

    Tomorrow I'll be having lunch with two of my former crew. One of them is the only man I've ever called brother. He was my neighbor and best friend for years. I would have trusted him to help me hide a body. The other feller was a kind and gentle guy, had a bad divorce but was a teddy bear, was on the road back up.

    They both went down the rabbit hole real bad.

    I miss who they were and the shop we had. It was fucking jazz. I protected all of them from corporate. We made shit happen. I fought to get them more money and got fucked over myself.

    I've lost my parents, my grandfather, my aunts and uncles and cousins to the insanity. Thank jeebus my grandmothers and one grandfather are dead.

    Tomorrow I'm going to hug my brother and tell him goodbye. He isn't really my brother anymore. I don't trust him. I love him. He's not the man I knew.

    It hurts a lot. It broke my heart.


    In the final stages of moving from the deep south to a northern state.

    I used to run a shop under a corporation. Long story, but I integrated the shop, and built something beautiful. I had to use a temp service to do a lot of my hiring, I hired lots of black folks because they were undervalued and I could give them a good environment and pay. Was just starting to hire women. COVID and Qanon blew it the fuck up.

    Tomorrow I'll be having lunch with two of my former crew. One of them is the only man I've ever called brother. He was my neighbor and best friend for years. I would have trusted him to help me hide a body. The other feller was a kind and gentle guy, had a bad divorce but was a teddy bear, was on the road back up.

    They both went down the rabbit hole real bad.

    I miss who they were and the shop we had. It was fucking jazz. I protected all of them from corporate. We made shit happen. I fought to get them more money and got fucked over myself.

    I've lost my parents, my grandfather, my aunts and uncles and cousins to the insanity. Thank jeebus my grandmothers and one grandfather are dead.

    Tomorrow I'm going to hug my brother and tell him goodbye. He isn't really my brother anymore. I don't trust him. I love him. He's not the man I knew.

    It hurts a lot. It broke my heart.


    Lunch was good but rough. My son got to see me cry for the first time, afterwards, so I guess that was good.

    Then my closest former friend came over this evening. Texted my girl:

    "Holy fuck. Joe has some sort of grandpa weed that he he'd be saving. I hit once and I'm all fucked up. They smoked a whole blunt. Then I learned about how taking ivermectin was a good preventative and that Susan is actually a Mayan priestess discovered through astral projection."


    Have lived in the deep south my entire life. Things went really badly during 2020 and we realized we needed to get out. Started saving and preparing, our plan was to move before the next election.

    We have bought a 1920's farmhouse that still has 9 acres. 100 year old apple trees, blueberries, vineyard. It's amazing. Part of the land is industrial zoned with power and I'm going to build my machine shop there. We got a steal of a deal, it would be a $500k house and land here.

    I bought a '98 Chevy box truck. The boy and I will be making our second trip tomorrow.

    27 OpenSCAD Cranks Out Parametric CNC Clamps

    If you’ve ever used a CNC router or mill, you’ll know how many little things need to go right before you get anything resembling acceptable results. We could (and probably should?) run …

    Pretty nifty. Using several clamps, I could see this working just fine for short run aluminum jobs.


    We're preparing to move about 1000mi.

    I'm getting my truck ready to tow a trailer for our three potbelly pigs, two cats and a dog.

    '98 Ranger XLT with 4.0L V6, auto trans. Rated for 5900lbs tow, 9500 gross. Even has the overdrive disable and good rear end ratio.

    I'm adding a Redarc Liberty brake control. The 7-way plug kit I got includes 30 and 40 amp auto reset breakers for the control and trailer power.

    Here's the thing. I don't like the idea of an automatically resetting breaker at 30 amps or more due to the risk of fire or frying the electronics in my truck. I would prefer to install manual reset breakers. I understand that an auto reset might allow some brake capability in the event of a short and that is why they are used. I just don't feel like the auto breaker justification is that likely vs the other risks of auto breakers.

    How long does it take the auto breakers to reset?

    What are the real world risks using manual reset breakers?

    Opinions/thoughts greatly appreciated!


    We're preparing to move about 1000mi.

    I'm getting my truck ready to tow a trailer for our three potbelly pigs, two cats and a dog.

    '98 Ranger XLT with 4.0L V6, auto trans. Rated for 5900lbs tow, 9500 gross. Even has the overdrive disable and good rear end ratio.

    I'm adding a Redarc Liberty brake control. The 7-way plug kit I got includes 30 and 40 amp auto reset breakers for the control and trailer power.

    Here's the thing. I don't like the idea of an automatically resetting breaker at 30 amps or more due to the risk of fire or frying the electronics in my truck. I would prefer to install manual reset breakers. I understand that an auto reset would might allow some brake capability in the event of a short and that is why they are used. I just don't feel like the auto breaker justification is that likely vs the other risks of auto breakers.

    How long does it take the auto breakers to reset?

    What are the real world risks using manual reset breakers?

    Opinions/thoughts greatly appreciated!


    I use a Das Keyboard 4 Ultimate with cherry blues and love it. Have a good friend who likes using her grandson's gaming keyboard that I think is a nice membrane keyboard. She was interested in my keyboard as it is mechanical like the old keyboards she used back in the day.

    We are both office users, not gamers.

    I don't want to spend the $179 for a keyboard that might not be what she wants and there are better options now, from what I understand.

    Can you please recommend a cherry blue mechanical with a number pad and a steel back plane?


    I would really appreciate it if someone would double check me. Sorry for the screenshot. Either the Lemmy code button isn't great or I'm just dum at formatting.

    This has local *arr servers available and traceroute shows me going through the VPN.

    The largest blue blotch is the ip address of a mullvad vpn server.

    Rpi4, Raspberry Pi OS lite.

    Mullvad VPN. IPv6 has been nuked. Using Wireguard through wg-quick.

    wg2 originates from a .conf file from Mullvad with IPv6 stripped.

    Do these UFW settings look right?


    Circuit is for controlling the fan on a Raspberry Pi, just on/off according to temp, no PWM. Not sure about the diode as it has a .7V drop and it's a tiny brushless DC motor. No markings on the fan so I measured the current with a multimeter when hooking it up to a USB charger. Circuit was adapted from here using what I have on hand.

    Suggestions? Any advice is greatly appreciated!

    *EDIT: Confirmed, this circuit works on a Raspberry Pi 4. Base was wired to GPIO 17 and manually tested using commands:

    raspi-gpio set 17 op dh

    raspi-gpio set 17 op dl

    I didn't use a breadboard, just hack-n-slash with the wires coming out of the fan, the leads on the thru hole components, a jumper connected to gpio 17 as a socket for the base/resistor lead, and heat shrink tubing for insulation. Folded it up as I closed the housing. Case combo including heatsinks and fan here.


    I used RiF to keep an eye on what is happening around us. My wife is still on Reddit. I was born and raised in the deep south. In 2020, we realized it was time to leave and came up with a plan. We basically lost my extended family and most of our friends.

    This is a safety issue for us. These people are dangerous. I need to be able to keep my finger on the pulse of what they're doing and saying.

    We'll be moving summer of '24 and have been saving.

    Are there any communities similar to /r/qanoncasulties, /r/qult_headquarters, /r/parler_watch?

    I'm not great at Lemmy yet, and have tried searching but haven't found anything. My apologies if this breaks a politics rule, I'm not trying to debate or anything. Again, this is about the safety of my family.
