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30 Rock

Please tell me I am not the only one that never noticed Dr. Spaceman blatantly staring down Liz's shirt

S5E23 "Respawn"

30 Rock

Why did the crinkly book that Liz got for Virginia suddenly turn into a stuffed giraffe?!

From Queen of Jordan II: Mystery of the Phantom Pooper:

30 Rock

Apparently, the Twig and Plums motto is just a rough translation of "twig and plums"

No, not that "shoot". The botanical kind.


30 Rock

So the uncle of his that Gray referred to when saying "we all have uncles who are cops" actually could not have been the same person as Liz's uncle, could it?

S1E11 "The Head and the Hair"

Liz: "Why do you have a picture of my great-aunt Dolly?"

Gray: "No, that's my grandmother's cousin Dolly."

30 Rock

The differences between versions of the episode "100"

Season 5 Episodes 20-21 is a two-part episode titled "100". When it was originally broadcast, both parts were shown on the same night. I presume this is the cut that is included on the Blu-ray that I have: both parts combined into one long (42:18) continuous episode. But on other home media (including streaming services such as Peacock), and presumably in syndication, each of the two parts is instead recut into an individual episode with a running time of about 21:25 each. It seems that part one was originally a minute or so longer than part two, so part one had some jokes cut out and part two had some added in.

So, I nerded out a bit and played both versions side-by-side, taking note of the differences. Here are my findings:

::: spoiler Part one differences

timestamp original timestamp recut
3:50 Pam, onscreen, shouts "I can't sit in
30 Rock

I guess Kenneth lost some value to Jack after leaving the page program

S3E16 "Apollo, Apollo"
S7E7 "Mazel Tov, Dummies!"

30 Rock

They missed an opportunity to make another one of these jokes in the COVID special!

S3E16 "Apollo, Apollo"
S7E7 "Mazel Tov, Dummies"

30 Rock

Apparently this episode aired the day after Secretaries Day. So close!

S5E22 "Everything Sunny All the Time Always"

30 Rock

The garbage fetishists were not Jenna Maroney fans. An overall rating of 1/10

S6E16 "Nothing Left to Lose"

30 Rock

Jack Donaghy is an undercover SGC public relations agent

30 Rock

TIL Liz's famous "night cheese" line was sung to the tune of an actual song, which cost NBC a ridiculous amount of money to secure the rights to just for that quick joke

These screenshots are from "30 Rock: A One-time Special" (watch it on the Internet Archive once it comes back online). The original "night cheese" scene was from S3E17 "The Ones"

After the ‘Night Cheese’ incident — which is where Tina sang ‘Night Cheese’ — which was like a second and cost, like, $50,000, the network was like, ‘You guys gotta chill it.’

30 Rock

The actor who portrayed Olympic fraud Tyler Brody on 30 Rock is the son of the actor who portrayed Dee's high school drama teacher Dr. Meyers on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

Show Season/episode number Episode name Actor
30 Rock S3E2 Believe in the Stars Remy Auberjonois
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia S6E8 The Gang Gets a New Member René Auberjonois
30 Rock


30 Rock season 7 bonus feature "Tina Fey Studio Tour"

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, S1E3 "Kimmy Goes on a Date"

30 Rock

Another background detail that is new to me! The stationary pinwheels made another appearance, in the background of this storage area

S2E4 "Rosemary's Baby"

Originally seen in S1E15 "Hard Ball"

30 Rock

Right after Liz tells everyone to take down all their pornography in preparation for her adoption evaluation, Pete can be seen in the background hiding a blow-up doll

S3E1 "Do-Over"

Not sure if this is an obvious detail, but I just noticed it for the first time while rewatching the episode

30 Rock

When Liz first meets her new agent Simon, you can see a little doodle of a dog through the previous page

I tried to edit the photo to make the doodle stand out a bit more

S4E5 "The Problem Solvers"

30 Rock

On an opposite note, I initially did not know that Bucky Bright was just a fictional character.

I thought Bucky Bright was a real person making a cameo, and that he was just a real good sport about making absurd jokes about his time as an actor. It was not until seeing the announcement of Conway's death in 2019 that I realized Bucky Bright was made up for 30 Rock.

30 Rock

TIL Jenna's friend Mankind was an actual professional wrestler, not just a 30 Rock character

30 Rock

Seeing Liz grab one of these cookies always reminds me of this old Star Trek episode

30 Rock S2E7 "Tracy Does Conan"

Star Trek (The Original Series) S3E15 "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield"

30 Rock

I just want you to be happy