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> Our patrons have asked how they can support:

> Last week, along with a DDOS attack and exposure of patron email addresses and encrypted passwords, the Internet Archive’s website javascript was defaced, leading us to bring the site down to access and improve our security. > > The stored data of the Internet Archive is safe and we are working on resuming services safely. This new reality requires heightened attention to cyber security and we are responding. We apologize for the impact of these library services being unavailable. > > The Wayback Machine, Archive-It, scanning, and national library crawls have resumed, as well as email, blog, helpdesk, and social media communications. Our team is working around the clock across time zones to bring other services back online. In coming days more services will resume, some starting in read-only mode as full restoration will take more time. > > We’re taking a cautious, deliberate approach to rebuild and strengthen our defenses. Our priority is ensuring the Internet Archive comes online stronger and more secure. > > As a library community, we are seeing other cyber attacks—for instance the British Library, Seattle Public Library, Toronto Public Library, and now Calgary Public Library. We hope these attacks are not indicative of a trend. > > For the latest updates, please check this blog and our official social media accounts: X/Twitter, Bluesky and Mastodon. > > Thank you for your patience and ongoing support.

Dwight's ascii art pdf file.
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  • Jump
    Emotionally Distant Husband Would Rather Watch ‘Stargate SG-1’ Than Have Honest Conversation About ‘Stargate SG-1’
  • I feel like I am missing some context here or something. What is the joke?

  • Extra thanks to the likes of Thunder/Tesseract that allow keyword filters unlike Lemmy UI

    This went through my mind every time I would open the Stardew Valley minecart destination menu. EVERY SINGLE TIME
  • Honorable mention for something else that would also occasionally cross my mind:

  • 30 Rock S4E18 "Khonani"

    Quick clip of the scene:

    What do the stars next to some usernames mean?
  • What exactly causes that? It seems to not be for comments under a certain age, but also not for comments you have not viewed yet. It is not consistent.

  • Jump
    This movie had no soundtrack which also made this film unsettling for me. Spooky, how authentic it was
  • Maybe the filmmaker realized that even narrative is comforting.

  • Jump
    What do we call communities in Lemmy?
  • Arrested Development S4E5 "A New Start"

  • Jump
    What's your favourite free Android app?
  • Island vs Shelter vs Insular

    Island Shelter Insular (based on Island)
    Isolated profile to install Big Brother apps Yes Yes Yes
    No proprietary code/components (GMS, Crashlytics, etc) No Yes Yes
    No Internet access No Yes Yes
    Good internationalization No Yes No
    Option to prohibit ADB access Yes No Yes
    Auto freeze Yes (with proprietary Greenify) Yes No
    Freeze main space apps Yes No Yes
    Block Contacts Searching No Yes No
    Image Chooser as Fake Camera Yes, with SAF Enhancer Lite Yes Yes, with SAF Enhancer Lite
    License Apache License 2.0 GNU General Public License v3.0 Apache License 2.0
  • Jump
    Ventoy Update
  • Accident? Mod logs are public here. It was removed for "probable impersonation".

  • Jump
    Write it in stone
  • Wow, throwback. And there are a lot of episodes now

  • Jump
    How did you manage
  • You should probably also update the meme faces to whatever the hell the kids are using these days.

  • Jump
    It's not an act. I'm a very sexy Borgy
  • I mean that I appreciate when people explain their dissatisfaction as opposed to simply downvoting without a clear reason.

  • Jump
    It's not an act. I'm a very sexy Borgy
  • I have no problem with crossovers that can stand up on their own without the audience needing to have a background knowledge of all the source material involved. But I appreciate the input.

  • Jump
    It's not an act. I'm a very sexy Borgy
  • Are the parallels just that

    30 Rock Spoiler

    Abbi/Jeri both had an ex husband? The article makes it out to sound like the Ryan divorce was not due to abuse or anything like that.

  • Jump
    It's not an act. I'm a very sexy Borgy
  • I believe she was added just because some executive producer (no idea who that could have been) wanted to add a "sexy Borg babe". But as you said, she ended up doing such a great job that she became one of the highlights of the series.

  • cross-posted from:

    > S5E16 "TGS Hates Women" > > Original scene/joke: > > !


    S5E16 "TGS Hates Women"

    Original scene/joke:


    Soviet and American soldier share a 'socialist fraternal kiss', Germany, 1945
  • Just two men, celebrating each other's strength.

  • S7E7 "Mazel Tov, Dummies!"



    These screenshots are from "30 Rock: A One-time Special" (watch it on the Internet Archive once it comes back online). The original "night cheese" scene was from S3E17 "The Ones"

    > After the ‘Night Cheese’ incident — which is where Tina sang ‘Night Cheese’ — which was like a second and cost, like, $50,000, the network was like, ‘You guys gotta chill it.’


    S7E3 "Stride of Pride"


    | Show | Season/episode number | Episode name | Actor | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | 30 Rock | S3E2 | Believe in the Stars | Remy Auberjonois | | It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia | S6E8 | The Gang Gets a New Member | René Auberjonois |


    30 Rock season 7 bonus feature "Tina Fey Studio Tour"

    Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, S1E3 "Kimmy Goes on a Date"


    cross-posted from:

    > 30 Rock, S6E8 "The Tuxedo Begins" > > Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, S5E1 "Apocalypse Rising"


    30 Rock, S6E8 "The Tuxedo Begins"

    Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, S5E1 "Apocalypse Rising"


    S4E2 "Into the Crevasse"

    Mean Girls (2004)
