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  • I wish they estimated how fucking annoying their interventions were. Like you might be boosting clicks per minute in the short term, but it's going to go down to zero after a week when I get fed up — when Netflix started auto playing videos, I threw my TV out the window.

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    Picture this
  • Remember, kids, it only takes 32 bits to uniquely identify any person on the planet. That's 32 yes or no questions. Of course, they have to be perfectly crafted questions, but identifying power of fingerprinting must not be underestimated.

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    The dark arts
  • For those with aphantasia, simply open a terminal on your Linux machine and run xeyes while you read this comment thread.

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    Japan to criminalise cannabis use
  • I'm honestly not sure what you're saying. Countries like the US with poor public transit infrastructure think alcoholism is serious solely because of people who drink and drive?

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    A Student Kicked A Field Goal To Win A Car, The Dealership Tried To Weasel Out Of It
  • Oh, this'll blow your mind. Digital cameras don't capture the entire image all at once. They typically capture one row of pixels at a time, so each row comes from a different moment in time.

    So the point I was alluding to is that two adjacent frames in a video carry slightly more timing information than they might appear to based on timestamps.

    Specifically, if you have two frames where a dot appears at the bottom and then a second dot appears at the top, you can't be 100% certain that the first dot to appear actually showed up first, or whether it's an artifact of the rolling shutter effect.

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    Posting the shopping cart theory because people had questions in a separate thread
  • It's a meme, I'm not writing comprehensive policy here

    I'm responding to your comment, not the post. This part:

    If a disabled person ... their disability should therefore ....

    You really can't make generalizations about disabilities like this.

    Lots of people think disabilities are visible and easy to categorize. They're not, and this attitude leads to scenarios like random people harassing actually disabled people for using a handicapped parking spot.

    My point is, like, mind your own business and don't make judgy proclamations about what disabled people can do.

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    Posting the shopping cart theory because people had questions in a separate thread
  • I don't think you know what you're talking about. Disabilities are really diverse and the US at least has shit healthcare. I can totally imagine someone using the last of their strength or energy to get back into their car. I wish everyone returned their carts, too, but I have empathy for people who just hit the end of their rope.

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    Problem solving
  • This all hinges on when you count the number of problems you have. But that's why you have two eyes! Read the same page of books 1 and 2 in parallel and obliterate 100% of your problems.
