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how easy is it to install arch?
  • you can use iwctl


    list interfaces (usually wlan0)

    $ ip link

    enter iwctl:

    $ iwctl


    $ <iwctl> station [interface] scan


    $ <iwctl> station [interface] connect [ssid]

    list networks:

    $ <iwctl> station [interface] get-networks


    $ <iwctl> exit

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    how easy is it to install arch?
  • i can do it on about 15 minutes without the wiki for a fairly basic install

    and then about 30 minutes to set up sway how i want, install common software i like, etc

    but for a more complex setup it will take longer and i will need to check the wiki

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    Anon thinks about Google
  • the chromebook keyboard layout is stupid, especially if you like tiling wms

    they removed capslock and moved super to where it would normally be, and renamed it to "search"

    they put nonsensical function keys that don't exist like "refresh" and "fullscreen"

    and then the keys are mushy too

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    If I Use Windows, I Delete My Channel
  • Hey guys, you will not BELIEVE this but I am DELETING MY CHANNEL if i use windows (NOT CLICKBAIT) [UPDATED] [LATEST] [100% LEGIT]

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    Google be like
  • chromium also runs really slowly on my old 11" thinkpad since it tries to use crazy visual effects on a celeron

    firefox runs fine on it

  • you can use shimboot to make a live linux usb for your school chromebook


    My grandson recommended me to try Linux, but I cannot find where to download it. Many people tell me to use something called "Arch" but when I click the md5 file I only see a bunch of numbers. I found a download zip on, but when I make the usb, it says not bootable
