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Violent protests in Dublin after woman and children injured in knife attack
  • The attacker was an Algerian immigrant with an Irish passport.

    The guy that stopped the attack was a Brazilian immigrant, a good man.

    The absolute chancers that started the riots were far-right mentally challenged Knackers that showed up in black masks.

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    A Request for This Fruit Caused a Bomb Scare in Portugal
  • It is bad, but I'm not going to make rash assumptions because I don't have the full context. If the waiter is incompetent, that's one thing; plenty of incompetent, jumping to conclusion people around. The waiter could be that.

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    A Request for This Fruit Caused a Bomb Scare in Portugal
  • This isn't a technology post, and the article seems to be doing it's darnedest to inspire irrational outrage. So why is it not getting downvoted and reported?

    btw, here's how Pomegranate is spelled in Portuguese:ã

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    A Request for This Fruit Caused a Bomb Scare in Portugal
  • You think there's a high number of Spanish tourists going over the border, to Lisbon, only to ask for a pomegranate juice? And you think they are just going to assume that their language, culture and coloquialisms are the same? That's a lot of assumptions being made.

    Was the waiter Portuguese, or just an immigrant that had a scary experience with a foreign Tourist?

    And again, did anyone here even looked up the word in O.G. Portuguese? Because the author of the article surely didn't (otherwise I'd find it in the article), and all the people in the comments seem to be making a lot of assumptions about cultures in Europe.

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    A Request for This Fruit Caused a Bomb Scare in Portugal
  • Have you or anyone here looked up the Portuguese word for Pomegranate? Because it's veeeery different.

    The waiter might just been ignorant and uneducated. Plenty of those in Lisbon and everywhere else in the world.

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    Matthew Perry: Friends TV comedy star dies at 54
  • Now let's talk about the bench. Can we talk about the bench, please Mac? I've been dying to tell you about the bench all day, OK?

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    Matthew Perry: Friends TV comedy star dies at 54
  • I was having breakfast in a bakery in Prague, when I walked out and saw a bench with a plaque saying "in memory of Matthew Parry" that died in 2022.

    I thought "aw man he's been dead for a year and I didn't know". I didn't realize it was a different last name.

    This happened yesterday. When Mathew Perry was found dead. Imagine my face waking up and reading the news the next day...

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    Comments to shitposts...
  • Sounds like a superhero origin story. Are you sure she's dead and not living her best life boning other superheroes?

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    Translating Latin demonology manuals with GPT-4 and Claude
  • Wow, that's really interesting!

    I don't know much about how GPT4 is trained, but I'm assuming the model was trained in Portuguese to English translations somehow....

    Anyway, considering that a) I don't know which type of Portuguese GPT4 was trained in (could be Brazilian as it's more generally available) and b) that text is in old (European) Portuguese and written in archaic calligraphy, unless the model is specifically trained, we just get close enough approximations that hopefully don't fully change the context of the texts, which it seems like they do :(

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    Cargo pants are a godsend
  • I bet there's men in Portugal called Portugal, because of the country.

    I wonder what are the odds of Portugal meeting another man named Portugal, and then Portugal getting in Portugal, in Portugal.

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    66% of Americans want European-style vacation policies, like being OOO for the entire month of August
  • Afaik one month vacations are something out of the norm in Europe, but sure there's some countries that allow that, just don't come in with your good old fashioned American uninformed claims and expect it to be the norm. One week to two week vacations are more common afaik.
