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Matias Mäkirannan kolumni: Sukupolvellani on lohduton tulevaisuuskuva, ja populismi pahentaa sitä
  • Luoja noita kommentteja.

    Mutta joo, on ihmetyttänyt itseänikin miten ilmastonmuutoksen vastaisia toimia vastustavat eivät halua tehdä myöskään varautumistoimia.

    Muhoksen palojen yhteydessä 2020 saatiin muistaakseni sammutuskalustoa lainaan Ruotsilta, onko nyt kalustoa lisätty sille tasolle että ainakin yksi massiivinen metsäpalo voidaan hoitaa normaalien tehtävien ohella jos naapurilla on omakin hätä? Onko kaupunkisuunnittelussa huomioon otettavat sademäärät ja tulvariskit ja niihin varautuminen päivitetty oikeasti realistiselle tasolle? Onko helleaaltojen vaatimaan sairaalakapasiteetin ylläpitämiseen kesällä varauduttu? Ym ym.

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    Are adults really not supposed to financially helps their old parents?
  • European here, if my parents needed assistance I'd do my best to help them 100%. But that's because they're my parents, they can be thrifty, I know they're not gambling addicts or spending it all on booze etc. Having to ask (not outright, but no longer strongly refusing my help or no longer dumping money on us at every opportunity to avoid inheritance taxes) would be an indicator that they're already pretty desperate.

    Lots of people aren't as lucky regarding their parents.

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    Sydney's car-brained candidate for Mayor
  • It's not even limited to the US. In Finland it's called "pilluralli", "pussy-rally", and the general associations are of 18-19-year-olds of lower socioeconomical class.

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    I wish for free healthcare in my country
  • At least here, you don't usually pay for private healthcare yourself, your insurance does. And because private healthcare can and does limit their services and usually avoids the most costly patient groups, insurance is cheap compared to the US (abt 500€/year for 42F), if you want it. US is in a league of its own in how much people end up paying for healthcare, and they have god-awful population level results to show for it.

    Sure the wait times can be long, usually not years though. But what horrifies me is that there are rich countries where the wait time can be infinite for some people.

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    You shall not pass!
  • Same has happened here. While I am proud of the younger, more skittish one, it's also an indication of the old matriarch diminishing. I'll never be ready to lose her.

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    Pets Sunday - how are they doing?
  • My 14-year-old cat with white ears has a wound that doesn't seem to be healing on one of her ears. One vet visit and 5 days into a 7-10 day antibiotic salve treatment it hasn't clearly shrunk. At least it hasn't grown either, and apparently at least squamous cell carcinoma of the ears is slow to metastise. But still. 🙀

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    What would you do/how screwed would you be if you woke up in the last game you played?
  • Ace Attorney (nostalgia). I'm not weird enough to be a witness, the perp, or the wrongfully accused. If I was the victim I'd obviously be screwed. If I was a defence attorney my clients would be screwed. If I was a judge everyone but me would be screwed. Payne seems to make an ok living as a prosecutor although he sucks at it, I could do that. Or I'd just be one of those weirdoes cheering in the gallery, or an unremarkable resident of Japanifornia, which would both be fine.

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    What's a life lesson you learned the hard way that you'd want to share with others to help them avoid the same mistake?
  • Agreed and agreed. But an addendum regarding mattresses: No matter what the salespeople tell you, most mattresses with pocketed coil springs are pretty much the same apart from hardness, especially with a compensating mattress topper. Just get one that feels right to you, definitely don't think that more expensive=better, mattress-wise.

    More money advice: Most things come in two tiers worth purchasing: "nice" and "wow".

    "Nice" are the things experts deem good enough, or clothes-wise ones that you can see yourself actually wearing across multiple years, both durability- and appearance-wise. Affordable, and you like them. A useable placeholder, if you will.

    "Wow" are the things that you've been steadily dreaming of for years, or ones that catch your eye even if you weren't looking. "Buy it for life" stuff. Solid whole wood furniture, that teapot or coffee maker you've been dreaming of. A designer winter coat that only costs 20 times your old one. 🫣 On these you look at the price tag after; you want it, you get it, and if it breaks, you repair it. If it's affordable, or if you find more than one of these every 1-3 years, consider yourself very lucky.

    Nothing below "nice" is worth getting, and very few things between "nice" and "wow" are worth getting.

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    What's a life lesson you learned the hard way that you'd want to share with others to help them avoid the same mistake?
  • IMHO that's a surefire way to burnout and self-doubts later on. My advice would almost be the opposite.

    Never too late to change if what you're doing isn't working for you. Recognize when you're about to kill your passion with expectations, and don't do it. There is little to no cross-disciplinary knowledge that doesn't come in useful, so don't force yourself to be single-minded in your pursuits. What you're learning matters surprisingly little, that you're learning matters so much more.

    But yea, don't change major pursuits, like, every year. Probably depends on the person which advice they need. I definitely would have needed the latter.

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  • Yeah... I kinda think that's an experience every omnivore should have. Raise something with your own hands, then kill and eat it. If you can't do that, at least you now know your hypocrisy.

    I'm a hypocrite, too.

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  • The bulls, yeah, that's a planned pick-up to a meat farm or to the slaughterhouse, easy to distance yourself from mentally AFAIK. Not the heifers you've named and intended to keep.

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  • Some of my relatives have a dairy farm. One time they had to put down a young cow and had it cut for beef/veal for themselves, since it was so sudden and unplanned. They told the cow's name, what had happened to it, what its temperament had been like. That was enough to make the eating experience weird and a bit offputting.

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  • I'm still wrapping my mind around how this even works. ATM I use Debian for my laptop, so now my husband (already knowing I'd support an open marriage if he wanted one) should be a free target for sexual harassment? Is that the joke?

  • When stone tools were considered lightning remnants – and weapons of the gods

    Neolithic stone axes were known as thunderstones and thought to have magical powers

    Also mistaken for fulgurite by the more naturalistically minded, apparently. Maybe most common in the Nordics, based on viking references?

    Additional links: [Finnish]


    Arvostelu: Normalin 7€ "Man Up" partahöylä


    • halpa kuin mikä
    • ulkonäkö jossain määrin muokattavissa
    • toimii
    • vaatii sääätämistä
    • kahvasta halpa fiilis ja sisältää muovia
    • "closed edge", 2-osainen terämekanismi
    • erittäin pääpainava
    • pitkävartinen, 10,6 cm varsi ```

    Osui tässä männä päivänä silmääni Normal:ista partahöylä 7€:n hinnalla. Koska sähköajuri vetelee viimeisiään ja kasettihöylien muoviroska ja hinta ketuttaa, päädyin sitten nappaamaan mukaan. Mainittakoon että minulla ei ole aikaisempaa kokemusta partahöylistä, ja vaikka naamaan jokunen haituva valitettavasti kasvaakin, testaus on tehty pääasiassa säärillä ja kainaloilla.

    Käytin nesteenä ihan vain vettä ja käsisaippuaa. Ensimmäisen yrityksen jälkeen sain naamaan pari nirhaumaa, toisella yrittämällä vain yhden pienen. Sääreen sain vanhan näppylän kohdalle yhden. Kainalot yllättäen menivät molemmilla yrityksillä mallikkaasti, vaikka siellä arpiepätasaisuutta onkin, ja tulos on ensipäivän kuin epiloinnin jäljiltä mutta huomattavasti miellyttävämmin (ja sitä kautta nopeammin) saavutettu. Kasvaa tietysti nopeammin. Kaiken kaikkiaan ajotulos on myös vasta-alkajalta siisti, ja vaati vähemmän "höyläämistä" kuin halpis-kasettihöylät. 2 viikon seurannassa ei tulehduksia.

    Puhdistusta varten uudelleen avattaessa ilmeni tämän höylän suurin vika: Kahvan muovikappale ei ole kunnolla kiinni, vaan lähtee helposti pyörimään, mikä tekee pääosan irroittamisesta hankalaa tai suoraan vaarallista. Kahvaosan saa kuitenkin voimakkaasti kiertäen auki, ja esim. 2-komponenttiepoksi molempiin päihin tikulla levittäen minkä jälkeen tiivis kokoaminen auttaa asiaan. Tässä yhteydessä tietenkin voisi myös maalata muoviosan, tulostaa erilaisen, tms. En jaksanut, mutta jos olisin hankkinut tietäen että säätämiseen joutuu, varmaankin olisin väsännyt jkl yksisarvisoksennuskahvan ihan vain koska.

    Kaiken kaikkiaan suosittelen partahöylistä kiinnostuneille joilla on rajallinen budjetti mutta jotka ovat valmiita vähän säätämään, eikä lähellä ole myyjää jolta saisi ylijäämälaitteen sopivaan hintaan. Eri mieltä saa olla.
