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Parents offered class photo version with no 'complex needs' pupils
  • I sincerely cannot imagine what was going through their minds. In addition to the ableism there’s an incredible lack of self awareness on display here.

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    Does anyone know what these flowers are called?
  • Some further research suggests that you’re right. They’re not native to the area but I guess were introduced a long time ago. Thanks!

  • Can anyone help me identify these cluster flowers that started growing in my garden? My partner and I are not certain what they are or how they got here, but they’re quite pretty. We are in climate zone 10 according to the 2023 plant hardiness zone map.

    Channa Masala!
  • Understandable. I haven’t made chana masala in a while but you’ve inspired a hankering that I must satisfy soon.

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    What is the most peaceful US state to live in?
  • I also really liked Vermont while I lived there, and everything that you mentioned are great features. That said, the state (and much of New England) is overwhelmingly white. I am white-passing, but my spouse is not, and they felt consistently othered while we lived there. Not in an aggressive or hateful way, but in a “strangers see me as a novelty” way that you tend to get in homogenous communities. Burlington is probably a bit more diverse than the relative middle of nowhere where we lived, so your mileage may vary.

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    To all the ex-theists in this community. What drove you to leave your religion?
  • You just unlocked a childhood memory of mine. At maybe 6 or 7 I found it very strange how closely my church’s dogma rhymed with various”pagan” mythologies that I’d read about. I recall asking my mom about it, in some childish way, and being taken aback at how unsatisfying her “paper over the cracks” response was. Later on, I also had a lot of “I’m supposed to feel something but don’t” moments. This was a source of considerable distress until I managed to deprogram myself.

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    To all the ex-theists in this community. What drove you to leave your religion?
  • Yeah it’s wild how many ways humans can express “don’t question the dogma,” both explicitly and implicitly with deflection, body language, etc. I’m a child of clergy, so I very much grew up “in” a church. Consequently, I don’t even have any specific memories of asking questions and being told not to doubt or what have you. I’d never not been immersed in the fundamentalist milieu, so I subconsciously learned to police my own thoughts and actions without realizing it. It’s taken years to recontextualize some of my childhood behavior. Most of it is sad stuff, like realizing “oh I ghosted that friend because I was trying to avoid becoming aware of the homosexual crush I was developing”. Anyway, I guess my point is that we can be good at preventing ourselves from questioning dogma, too. Until the shelf collapses.

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    To all the ex-theists in this community. What drove you to leave your religion?
  • I’m not an ex-Mormon specifically, but this shelf analogy resonates with my experience as someone who was raised in an evangelical Protestant church. Eventually you stack up too many inconsistencies and the cognitive dissonance is too much.

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    Does anyone like the taste of dragon fruit?
  • Dragonfruit is delicious, but this depends heavily on where you get it. Most non-tropical markets get imported dragonfruit that was picked too early and shipped/stored over long periods, resulting a relatively bland taste and drier texture. Ripe, fresh dragonfruit is lovely. It’s in my top 5 fruits personally.

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    Tell us all about your druid
  • I played a Druid a few years back whose magical focus was narrowly on stone and earth. The idea was her culture (from which she had been exiled years prior for failing to fulfill some of her clerical responsibilities) considered the world to be a huge grave, and her role in said society was to interact with and advocate for the decomposed and petrified remains of the long dead. So she considered herself something of a necromancer, just for the dead that are so far gone as to become the landscape. 5e isn’t built to support this interpretation of the Druid class, but we managed it with some minor reflavoring and homebrewing. It was a fun concept but her beliefs and goals ended up becoming too at odds with the rest of the party, so I retired her to avoid friction.

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    Evangelical leader accuses pope of creating "division" with LGBTQ+ views
  • It’s not likely to happen, but it would be great for everyone if the voting block composed of American Catholics and American evangelical Protestants were to splinter.

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    Do you think that Trump will win the 2024 election?
  • A lot of folks thought he would push fascist policies, though? He was notable for his nativist and protectionist rhetoric on the campaign trail. The audacity of it all is what got him all that free print and airtime.

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    Greene: ‘I’m not a member of the burn-it-all-down caucus anymore’
  • It’s always disappointing to see people who think themselves reasonable delighting in the usage of slurs when given the opportunity to tear down someone they perceive as disliked by their community. It is much more damning to them than the object of their ire.

    Greene is a symptom of the cancer metastasized on our civilization, but deploying gendered slurs against her is counterproductive and pitiful.
