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Everything old is new again.
  • Uber effectively weaseled their way into the taxi industry by somehow enticing drivers to work for them while also assuming all of the liabilities. Truly, capitalism at its finest.

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    What industry secret are you aware of that most people aren't?
  • Fractional-reserve banking. Most people have no idea what it is, probably a good thing. You could argue that it's not a "secret", but most people aren't aware of it regardless. I don't think most people would be fond of grinding for $15 an hour if they knew banks could just lend money they don't actually have.

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    What industry secret are you aware of that most people aren't?
  • The key word is "majority". I think IPFS will gain more popularity moving forward especially if fascism and censorship continue to rise.

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    America’s housing crisis continues to worsen, renters are struggling more than homeowners, report says
  • Ban corporations/private companies from holding empty residential housing. Problem solved. Not complicated. Our system fucking sucks and is designed to protect land owners which is why we're in this situation. This is fucking up our entire society, slowly bringing us down, we're losing to China. This change needs to happen soon otherwise we're going to see the working class get milked hard enough that our real economy will collapse.

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    OP: "This is my most advance moon photograph EVER it consist of 81000 images and over 708GB of data." (see comments.)
  • This image does a good job at making me realize we have explored basically nothing on the moon. SO much more to explore, yet we act like there's no point trying to send more astronauts to the moon for decades. Please, increase NASA budget more.

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    Singlehood is on the rise around the world. New evidence suggests many single people are choosing to remain single and living happy lives.
  • The study falls short having no comparison to non-single people who are insecure. If the percentage of insecure non-single people is also 78% then being single has no impact on insecurity.

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    I’ve got a fossil fuel non-proliferation treaty baby, and I’ll write your name: Just Stop Oil paint private jets hours after Taylor Swift’s lands
  • Name an activism campaign that worked and you support.

    Here's a chat GPT response for your boring question:

    "One successful activism campaign that I support is the #MeToo movement. The #MeToo movement has brought attention to the prevalence of sexual harassment and assault, encouraged survivors to speak out, and sparked important conversations about consent and gender equality. It has led to increased awareness, policy changes, and accountability for perpetrators in various industries."

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    Home price inflation is so high, it's changing American economic life
  • Ban corporate ownership of residential housing and implement a land value tax. Problem solved. Won't happen though, probably shouldn't even give a shit to keep writing this.

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    I’ve got a fossil fuel non-proliferation treaty baby, and I’ll write your name: Just Stop Oil paint private jets hours after Taylor Swift’s lands
  • No, activism is about taking part in making a real change. If anyone really wanted to make a real change they'd have to give up their freedom. This doesn't change anything, carbon emissions will still increase.

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    Hey, so Reddit won't let you browse its site if you're using Proton VPN.
  • Yea I ran into the same thing about 2 months ago, haven't even gone back to check it.

    I'd just be grateful you found Lemmy. I suspect Reddit is mostly bot spam at this point hidden as real users. Sucks that so many old posts are now being gatekept, a pinnacle of the real enshittification that's happening right now.

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    Can iron fertilization of the oceans help solve the climate crisis? (commentary)
  • Whaling has caused irreparable harm to ocean ecosystems. We only recently learned that whales contribute largely to carbon sequestration due to what you wrote. Again, people who dismiss iron fertilization as a legitimate solution are a major concern. We need solutions to be implemented NOW.

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    Can iron fertilization of the oceans help solve the climate crisis? (commentary)
  • We are already geoengineering whether we like it or not. We just aren't good at it, and we're heating up the climate rapidly. Look at how much carbon dioxide we've put into the atmosphere. We don't have a choice, doing nothing isn't an option, hoping people stop being greedy is not an option.

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    Can iron fertilization of the oceans help solve the climate crisis? (commentary)
  • What you don't seem to understand is that we don't have time for that. Unfortunately rewilding will not happen, human greed is too strong, and everyone wants their own back yard. We need rapid and effective ways to get carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere NOW, and iron fertilization may be able to start that process. People can't even stop eating beef for fucks sake, and we know that's destroying the Amazon rainforest.

  • Can iron fertilization of the oceans help solve the climate crisis? (commentary)

    The increasing incidence of extreme weather makes clear the stark reality of climate disruption to people around the globe. Equally evident has been our collective inability to meet the critical emissions reduction targets we’ve set to stave off the worst climate impacts. The globe hasn’t been this ...


    woman lying in grass

    ! ! ! !

    To prove you're not a robot, which one looks the best?



    You're trivializing authoritarianism by focusing on the US. Focus on Iran or Russia instead, then you'd have yourself a fun time.
