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I often get bored of the Fediverse, but I'm doing my best to stay here.
  • No kidding! I was just thinking this morning that my Mastodon feed has gone bonkers lately and it is getting harder to keep up! I suppose that is a good problem to have but I only follow a few tags. I am, however, enjoying Mastodon way more than I ever did twitter.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Congrats! I have a Galago Pro and a Gazelle that I purchased several years ago. They both work great and I am very happy with them. Love how open s76 is with all the documentation and software support. Have been considering ordering a desktop from them with an AMD GPU as a gaming machine. Enjoy the laptop!

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    What's your favorite game you played this year? (Doesn't have to be released this year )
  • I really enjoyed XVI. It is not without its problems but overall is a good addition to the series IMHO. I replayed XV as well after not caring for it on my first playthrough. I ended up really liking it the second time around. The story isn’t the best but the game shines in the personal interactions between the characters while you are wandering around and stuff. A lot of the story is really told indirectly through that and I came to appreciate it. Just my thoughts.

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    These just go out with the other recycling, right?
  • Only problem I have had with LED lights is they stop working after maybe 6 months whereas the CF bulbs would go for years. I have CF bulbs in fixtures that have been working since before I got my first LED installed. What has your experience been? What brand of bulb are you using? I am willing to pay more for a bulb that will last.

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    How do I find communities on Lemmy?
  • Can you tell me how the ! Commands work? Where do I put them? Search? I am on kbin if it matters.

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    HBO Does not streams WestWorld anymore
  • Same. First season was so good and the second season….I don’t even know. I didn’t bother with the rest. I didn’t even know there are 4 seasons. What a shame.

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    Reddit Activity Plummeted After The Protests
  • I was so mad about AB….until Apollo came along

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    Reddit Activity Plummeted After The Protests
  • I still can't bring myself to delete it. It just sits there on my phone, all sad.

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    Reddit Activity Plummeted After The Protests
  • No offense I thought you were a bot given how often I see your username haha. Good on you! You are helping to make this a better place

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    The smart(shit)ification of TVs pisses me off.
  • I have an LG that is a couple years old. Never connected it to the Internet and don’t intend to but have wondered about firmware updates for it. I am afraid of an update adding ads or something else I don’t want. What is your experience? Or is there a resource that details everything (and I mean everything) that the updates change?

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    Favorite iOS fediverse apps?
  • Please forgive my ignorance. I don't see this in the app store, how do I get it? Would LOVE a decent app for kbin! (I am a reddit/Apollo refugee if it helps)

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    Started Playing 'The Talos Principle'
  • Witness was awesome!

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    Started Playing 'The Talos Principle'
  • Fair. I really enjoyed it (as much as I played. Didn’t finish. Should) but I get what you are saying. To each theirs!

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    What is your go-to Linux distro and why?
  • Right now I use pop_os. I bought a System76 laptop so it came with it. I like it because most things just work and I am lazy. Not the biggest gnome fan though. Previous to owning this laptop I tinkered with many distros but usually leaned towards lightweight DEs like xfce.

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    What was your first experience using Linux? How old were you? Stick around or did you go back to windows before eventually circling back to Linux?
  • My first disro was red hat 6.2 which wikipedia tells me was released in April 2000. I was fed up with Windows being crappy and crashing so I decided to try an alternative. Well, it didn’t crash like Windows did that is for sure but I spent a ton of time tinkering and upgrading and compiling. Linux has come a long long way since then. I have mostly stuck to it. I had a job that supplied me with a macbook for a while so for a few years I used osx, but I never fully went back to Windows. Now with proton making gaming more accessible on Linux I have no reason to ever go back.

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    What books are you reading at the moment?
  • I sold Seveneves to a friend by saying it is like Neal Stephenson wrote The Martian. Well, at least the first 2/3 of it. It talks a lot about the science how how an event like the one described in the book might happen but with the kind if granularity and verbosity you would expect from NS.

  • Hi all. I was hoping someone knew of some good resources on troubleshooting problems running games in Wine. How to identify a problem and steps to take when things don't work, or partially work.

    For example I use Lutris to install/play my GOG games. One game, Temple of Elemental Evil, seems to be picky about running under one version of Wine or another. It seems to be happy running under lutris-GE-Proton7-43-x86\_64, but crashes on startup on any other version of lutris-proton I have tried. It also won't work on the regular lutris, or fshack versions. So why this one in particular? I haven't done anything to it to make it stand out. But I don't understand enough to identify what is going on.

    Or if a game simply won't run at all, I can look at the error logs and sometimes identify what is keeping it from running, but don't know what to do to fix it. For example Soulbringer opens an initial configuration window before launching the game, but when I click play, nothing happens and the error log says "PATCH.DLL" failed to initialize.

    Was just hoping for a good resource to help me understand how to diagnose and fix these problems when they come up.

