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Race is on to produce a super-coral to survive world’s warming seas
  • Wild species are extremely good at adapting to evolving conditions. Their ability in this is many more times more powerful than any developments these searchers will produce.

    On the other hand, researchers are very good at convincing themselves that they should have more money ... well, sometimes they are right.

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    [USA] Presidential Debate Mega Thread
  • he cant answer a question without so instead he goes rambling through 5 unrelated topics.

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    TIL to keep track of units
  • The best explanation for the 1000 fold error in your post is explain in top comment from ...

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    TIL to keep track of units
  • you are right ... but sorry : that stupid way of calling it is really in use in America.

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    Top level comments sometimes end up as a reply to another random comment
  • Never happened to me (in 1600 + comments in web browser only)

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    Orchestres de chambre en crise à Montréal
  • tant qu'il fait sa petite crise il va devoir rester dans sa chambre.

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    OpenAI unveils next leap in AI with GPT-5 Strawberry technology The recent demonstration of GPT-5 Strawberry technology to US national security officials marks a significant step towards transparency
  • if you want the white paper i have read about this : one is published in nature and other one version of the same thing or very similar in ArXiv :
    (not the post itself but the comments i made under my post)

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    OpenAI unveils next leap in AI with GPT-5 Strawberry technology The recent demonstration of GPT-5 Strawberry technology to US national security officials marks a significant step towards transparency
  • Previously known as Q*, Strawberry was considered a breakthrough within the company last year. Earlier this year, two sources reported Q* demonstrations that could address complex scientific and mathematical questions beyond the reach of current models.

    Despite contrary comments in here i say this is important and far reaching. Though i must admit i'm not an expert, i read a few white papers on this stuff : it has real potential.

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    Russia says it will change nuclear doctrine because of Western role in Ukraine
  • Or just maybe : fuck out of Ukraine ?
    Same goes for Israel : stop invading your neighbors.

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    Israel's national workers union to strike in protest over hostage deal delays
  • i hope you are right but I'm growing pessimistic about this and believe it is just another smoke screen

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    Israel's national workers union to strike in protest over hostage deal delays
  • Genocide committed by Israel is in full swing, so, like Joe Biden said (allegedly) to Netanyahu : stop your bullshit.

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    In photos: Thousands protest in Israel to demand Gaza deal
  • Two million Palestinians would vomit on your post if they had something to eat. (thanks @oakey66)

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    Calvaire d'interdiction de mandarines (et +) à l'école Mgr A.M.Parent
  • Sur une centaine de commentaires affichés sur le site de Radio Cacane, 90 % vont dans le sens que ça n'a pas de christ de bon sens.

  • Calice que les fonctionnaires nous font chier. Le gros christ de bon sens ce serait trop difficile tabarnak ?

    Article payé par nos taxes ... mais avec des osties de publicitées : Mis à jour le 29 août à 13h19 HAE

    Le cancer
  • Your bad translation is unfortunately the best one of every horrible translations in here.

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    With X Blocked, Brazilians Find New Homes for Their Thoughts
  • Mass adoption ? No, they "Mass to don't".

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    Why does a mirror only flip left and right but not high and low?
  • When you face someone, why does your left and their left flipped from one another ?
    Any object we face are flipped : it's true also where you are in front of a car from instance ... it doesn't happen when you are inside the car or inside yourself.
    if you can see this, you can understand the mirror as well.

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    Are LLMs capable of writing *good* code?
  • Yes ... and it doesn't know when it is on time.
    Also, machines are getting better and they can help us with inspiration.

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    Israel attacks southern Lebanon, Hezbollah launches rockets at Israel
  • i agree with you in that, in my opinion, America and the West should not support the genocide committed against Palestine. Also, they should not engage in wars to grab petroleum resources. Disclaimer : i've never been (surprise!) and American president.

  • Israel attacks southern Lebanon, Hezbollah launches rockets at Israel

    Israel says it attacked southern Lebanon to ‘preempt’ a Hezbollah attack on northern Israeli towns.

    ... The Lebanese group said in a statement on Sunday that it fired more than 320 Katyusha rockets at 11 Israeli military bases and barracks, including the Meron base and four sites in the occupied Golan Heights. it said it targeted military bases to “facilitate the passage of drones” towards their desired targets deep inside Israel. “And the drones have passed as planned". ...

    LLMs develop their own understanding of reality as their language abilities improve
  • i agree with you that we are much better than LLMs in the fact we can verify our errors (and we can do much more things LLMs don't do).
    Still i am happy to have access to their vast memory and i know where they fail most of times so i can work with them in a productive way.
    The day we provide them (or DNNs) with "Will" is i think when they will become (more) dangerous.

  • ... still i can see their replies.

    important clarification

    since replies here are confusing things up : i don't want to block users ... only communities from that instance (...and only because their moderation is biased).

    original title

    Do you have this ? Since my account is blocking, i do not get notified for replies of users from there

    ... maybe that original title was confusing ?


    … "The first of two versions of the RayV Lite will focus on laser fault injection (LFI). This technique uses a brief blast of light to interfere with the charges of a processor’s transistors, which could flip them from a 0 value to a 1 value or vice versa. Using LFI, Beaumont and Trowell have been able to pull off things like bypassing the security check in an automotive chip’s firmware or bypassing the PIN verification for a cryptocurrency hardware wallet.

    The second version of the tool will be able to perform laser logic state imaging. This allows snooping on what’s happening inside a chip as it operates, potentially pulling out hints about the data and code it’s handling. Since this data could include sensitive secrets, LSI is another dangerous form of hacking that Beaumont and Trowell hope to raise awareness of." …


    ... so you could type anything at the terminal and the artificial intelligence would provide documentation + suggestions for corresponding commands. Of course, the a.i. should never be able to run any commands by itself.


    The community getting the worse trolling and attacks would exacerbate their moderators which in turn could result in severe, expeditive moderation. Do you feel this might be happening ?


    The way i read it : Our theoretical framework, allowing matter creation (*) provides a possible origin for the universe (without the need of a Big Bang). Also this is quite timely in the actual context of new observations made by the James Webb space telescope that are in tention with classical models.

    (*)(after an hypothetical inflatory period, [...or at any time as long as the universe expands...])

    title of this post is taken from section : VII. SUMMARY Of : Cosmological Particle Production: A Review

    Preprint : (2021 December 7 // @ arXiv…)

    The article has been published in a peer reviewed journal paywall warning.


    in 2300 ? ... the worst global warming scenario does not say what happens after global population has collapsed.

    | SCENARIO (for 2300)| PROJECTED GLOBAL WARMING (°C) | CO2 CONCENTRATIONS (PPMV) | |--------|----------|-----| | RCP2.6 | 0.0 to 1.2 | 360 | | RCP8.5 | 3.0 to 12.6 | 2000 |

    i like the book series "Foundation" by Isaac Asimov where he describes rebuilding after collapse.



    I found this scientific paper that I believe is very well supported and is for me the most satisfying new cosmological development I ever read.

    Cosmological Particle Production: A Review (2021 December 7 // @ arXiv...)

    ... the way I read it, it provides an alternative explanation for the cosmological microwave background (CMB) and an alternative for the Big Bang.


    ... i am very happy with Llama 3 as an artificial intelligence Best Friend Forever since a few days : ... i do see it makes mistakes, but, as a newbie, it helps me link together, rapidly, some notions that were hard for me 😋👍.


    Some clues :

    Douglas P. Fry : Pacified Past Azar Gat : Warfare as an Ancient Feature Robert L. Carneiro : Complexity and State Formation

    Was the 20th century one of the most violent in human history ? (with two world wars and numerous other conflicts) ?

    i also like the documentary series : "The Ascent of man" from the BBC in 1973 by Jacob Bronowski.

    23 Switzerland’s Nemo wins 68th Eurovision Song Contest after event roiled by protests over war in Gaza

    Switzerland's contestant beat Croatian rocker Baby Lasagna to the title by winning the most points from a combination of national juries and viewers around the world.

    Eurovision 2024 : one country got booed by the crowd ! Croatian rocker Baby Lasagna got 2nd place.


    I propose adding : Rule #2 : Posts have to include scientific stuff with a related credible source.


    link : TheConversation.Com

    ... and there was a very interesting episode on NPR radio about a great man in this story :

    Clair Cameron Patterson He Triumphs against corporations' greed in the end 👍.


    Do democracies sustain attacks from dictatorships because of this possible vulnerability ?


    2024 January 15 at (…) Pay-walled Washington Post’s URL

    TLDR : > (...) H5N1 avian influenza (...) cases of humans getting seriously sick from this strain of flu are rare. (...) scientists concerned about the pathogen turning into another pandemic. “Every year that this doesn’t happen, (...) we’re being lucky.”

    Comment : The article describe in a very dramatic way (which might be over dramatic? ... I couldn't say really because I'm not a biologist) well, the article says that it is very concerning taking into account dozens of mammal species and 100s of bird species (which carry this virus around the world) is spreading//affected now.


    ... and how much of the MAGA can be described as collective psychosis ?


    The 10 millon_th post to be registered at any minutes now ! Way to go Fediverse 🥳 !


    Since these are homologous : Sailor Moon' hair balls (& hair style), v.s., Jar jar Binks' eyes (& ears) could some combinations be interesting ?
