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It's just business
  • No one is buying new homes and then turning around and selling them. They would lose their ass. They don't have a fixed price. Builders are selling each and every one for every dollar they can. Investors are typically buying distressed properties that the seller can't sell and the buyer can't buy in it's current state, repairing it and only then reselling it. If they didn't those sellers would just be stuck in those broken down homes forever.

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  • Love this argument.

    Me too!

    You wouldn’t know a fascist if it grabbed you by the pussy.

    You're correct. I wouldn't. Because I don't have one.

    Antifa isn’t a group, person, or organization…it’s an idea.

    Tell that to it's supporters.

    Much like BLM or Occupy.

    Wrong again.

    The real problem is that the idea ends up losing focus as it gains support, and then it gets spread out too far, and then it dies. Happens nearly every time.

    Well unfortunately this one persists.

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    vandalism rule
  • Hey I mean if we can make "fuck Nazis" so cool that people will literally pay for it and wear it publicly, I'm okay with that.

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  • I mean that would make sense if Antifa had anything to do with fascism. It's just one of many movements wearing labels that intentionally misrepresent it's members.

    It's like being anti-Patriot act and then others claiming that you're against patriotism.

    You're playing into their hands.

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    You're just a kid, how would you know what you want for the rest of your life?
  • No one knows what they want for the rest of their lives when they're 34 anymore than 24. Same for 44, 54, etc. we're all figuring this shit out together.

    But I'll pose another hot take:

    Marriage is stupid in general. Pledging to commit your life to another person is stupid, and you don't need a church or government to recognize your commitment. If you end up hating each other somewhere down the road (which is likely) there's no sense in continuing to torture each other. It's not good for anyone. Get divorced? Well then what was the point of getting married in the first place? It's supposed to be a lifelong commitment.

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    Nitter is shutting down
  • It's a private front-end service. So you can see Twitter posts without logging in or giving them your data. They obviously don't like that.

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    Nitter is shutting down
  • I tried to create one recently but there is now a fucking gauntlet of captchas and puzzles you have to solve to create an account.

    Same goes for Google now.

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    Nitter is shutting down
  • My kids school doesn't update delayed openings on Mastadon. Because most kids, and a whole lot of adults aren't on there.

    They don't have to stop posting there. They can do both.

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    Nitter is shutting down
  • You can still see Tweet embeds. And you can still look at the specific Tweet on Twitter. But you can't see any replies. Or sometimes just a few old ones.

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  • We're still recovering from the impact of a previous President who openly and regularly promoted a complete disregard for public safety during a literal pandemic.

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  • I think this is one of few things where employees are successfully putting their collective foot down. I've seen several companies announce return to office and then walk it back just a few days later after an enormous portion of the workforce threatens to leave.
