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Two groomers waiting to learn their fate after routine dog appointment turns tragically deadly
  • Reminder to anyone thinking about purchasing or adopting a dog, brachycephalic breeds such as bulldogs and pugs are prone to sudden respiratory collapse and death. Not to mention the chronic health problems that plague them for their entire life.

    I’m not saying the groomers were not at fault in this situation, but a breed like this is frighteningly close to a medical emergency even in mundane situations like a nail trim.

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    Anchorage Alaska police won't release bodycam video of 3 shootings. It's creating a fight over transparency
  • We are investigating the footage internally > we have found no fault in our internal investigation > no you can’t see the footage

    Interesting that they only release bodycam footage when it supports their narrative. Almost like having them wear cams in the first place was a PR move.

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    Harsh, but true
  • “’Non-breeding’ plumage can mean any plumage that is not the plumage birds have moulted into specifically for the breeding season. (Some birds only moult once a year so at breeding time, their plumage is the same as the rest of the year, others have an additional moult early Spring into smarter feathers). So ‘non-breeding’ can mean an adult in winter plumage or an immature bird that has not yet reached maturity but as applied to birds that normally moult twice a year. Adult Birds moult out of their breeding plumage from around July onwards into a winter plumage. Usually it’s a lot more drab and less colourful than breeding plumage.” -Deb Burhinus

    Looks like they get into more detail but that was the first thing I found.

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    Biden camp warns Trump could still get re-elected with ‘unhinged campaign of revenge’
  • The presidential election will not be the only thing on your ballot. Please vote for local offices, school boards, initiatives, etc. It’s important even in solidly blue states.

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    People will be telling his story for generations
  • IIRC the drone operator had permission from the event for the shot and the spear thrower did it as a joke because he assumed he’d miss and nobody had any hard feelings because of how impressive it was.

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    Gig companies spent $224 million to write their own labor law. The state Supreme Court could throw it out
  • The weasel words these companies use to describe pay like “active hours”, “utilized hours” etc are such horseshit. The fact that they paid $200 million to push this in the first place is all you need to know. I guarantee they wouldn’t spend $200,000,000.00 to improve working conditions or customer experience.

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    Nobody wants to work anymore!
  • Thank you for fostering, that’s hard work. For what it’s worth the only people making good money in veterinary medicine are management and the veterinarians (and that can vary). Vet techs, assistants, receptionists, and kennel techs generally all make shit.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • They pretty much just swallow it and let digestion do its thing. If you look at their teeth cats don’t have flat chewing teeth like our molars.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Having teeth extracted is unlikely to affect how he eats. He is much more uncomfortable having teeth affected by infection or periodontal disease. Cats don’t do much chewing in the first place. I have known toothless cats that still eat dry food.

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