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  • Isn't the comment helpful for others who may find it, because it makes that Linux is capable of supporting music recording?

    Obviously it's not very helpful for the person who is sticking with Ableton.

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  • I believe the hexagonal tiling maximizes area while minimizing perimeter, right?

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    GNOME's Dynamic Triple Buffering "Ready To Merge"
  • Damn, they might pull me back from kde plasma.

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    Whats your such opinion
  • They've made the first reusable orbital rockets (falcon 9 first stage), and made the practice routine.

    They're the first to ever fly a full-flow-staged-combustion rocket engine (raptor), combining high power and high efficiency.

    Starship has already broken records (owing to its sheer size), and if it fully pans out it will be the largest rocket ever, and the first fully reusable orbital rocket. Next test flight is probably early next year.

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    Whats your such opinion
  • SpaceX are making significant progress in rocket technology.

    The perception that their rockets blow up all the time is due to their proximity to Elon Musk, the high amount of publicity their tests receive, & a healthy serving of confirmation bias.

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    Yes, also Teslas
  • Let me introduce you to carbon dioxide

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    Yes, also Teslas
  • China

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    U.N. votes to end US embargo on Cuba; US and Israel oppose
  • the replies to the post I linked are admittedly not very well sourced. there are better resources. why do you call me Winnie the Pooh?

    EDIT: Here's a post with much better resources:

    China is not comitting a genocide. neither is Russia. Eqiuvocating the actions they are taking to the holocaust or even to Israel's actions against Palestinians is really fucked up.

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    Are you cancelling streaming services?
  • Eventually Netflix will kick me off the family account but there's no way I'm paying for that garbage. I might pay for Hulu as they have a much better selection for my tastes.

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    Raspberry Pi - Introducing: Raspberry Pi 5
  • You won't notice a difference in h265 4k video as each has a decoder, but Youtube performance would definitely be improved. My Rpi4 struggles with 4k60p youtube videos because it lacks a VP9 decoder.

  • I like Mullvad but it doesn't support port forwarding, which I'd like in order seed torrents effectively. I have symmetrical up/down speeds but barely use the upload speed and I want to help out a lil more !kitty-cri-texas

    Thanks in advance

    What is the biggest lesson that employment has taught you?
  • epistemology is a big topic and we're clearly operating on some contradictory premises/priors but I'll continue to engage in good faith.

    I think I'd consider the following as evidence of an event: photos/video, eyewitness testimony, and measurement data; each provided with provenance/traceability through the entire chain of reporting. Each reporting agent's credibility on the topic plays a role in weighing the evidence.

    Finally the believability (another big term) of the claim itself plays a important role in how much evidence is necessary for me to believe it. Here's where I put on my internet atheist hat and reference the "Sagan Standard": Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof and it's corollary: a claim asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

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    What is the biggest lesson that employment has taught you?
  • Okay but which one is wikipedia aligned with? Could you link to your information? I'm trying to learn.

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    What is the biggest lesson that employment has taught you?
  • I'm confused, can you elaborate? The DPRK is North Korea's name for itself. WPK is its majority party. Are you claiming they're part of a political international that wikipedia is on good terms with?

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    What is the biggest lesson that employment has taught you?
  • The NPR article also has no evidence for an earlier outbreak. They just report what the North's government stated, and add that the reader shouldn't believe them.

    Sure they share a border with China, but China had COVID pretty well controlled for a significant portion of the pandemic. That combined with the DPRK's survival strategy of self-reliance make it seem plausible to me that they were clear of it until the vastly more contagious variant became dominant.

    So far, there doesn't seem to be any evidence to the contrary.

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    What is the biggest lesson that employment has taught you?
  • Humanitarian? Or care work maybe?

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    What is the biggest lesson that employment has taught you?
  • one of the first to suffer.

    It didn't outbreak until 8 May 2022 according to your source, so they made it until after Omicron evolved.

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    What is the biggest lesson that employment has taught you?
  • I'm not OP but this is true for a Railroader.

    It's a big part of why they were near striking recently.
